
When can she find out if she is pregnant?

by Guest10681  |  earlier

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me and my girlfriend had s*x using a condom as always, after using the 1st condom, i took it off and went in without a condom for a couple seconds (i did not ejactulate), before continuing i put on another condom. this was on (aug. 23) she says she usually has her period towards the end of the month and it is now (aug. 27) and no period. how soon can we find out if she is pregnant?

and if she is since the Plan B pill is out of the question, since its been more than 72 hours already, what can we do to prevent the pregnancy? is there another medical abortion method other than the normal abortion method?




  1. well an accurate answer could be about 3-4 weeks.

    and about the abortion, im no help there. if you dont want the baby,

    go for adoption.

  2. Wait for her to completely miss her period and then start testing, and test for a couple of weeks.

    It doesn't sound like the right time of the cycle for her to get pregnant, though.  You usually ovulate about a week after your period, NOT a few days before it.  So really, the likelihood of her being pregnant is slim.  It's possible, I guess.  (did you have s*x around the 12th of August?)

    Yes, there is the RU486 pill.  It can be taken any time during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.  It works best in the first 2 months of pregnancy (8 weeks).  

    It's just as expensive as classic abortion, though.  And it -is- an abortion in legal terms.

    However, there is Planned Parenthood -- where she could get a reduced cost abortion or free one even depending upon which state you live in (some states, abortion is illegal).   And depending upon which state you live in, I don't know how old you are -- if  she's under 18 she might not even be able to get an abortion or might not be able to get one without parental consent.

    Go to and research this a tad for yourself.

    Speaking of planned parenthood, haha, if I were you I'd suggest to her she get on birth control pills/IUD/nuvaring.  That way, having s*x without a condom won't create such stress that she skips her period (which is what I am highly suspicious of what is happening here).

    Calculate a date for her.  What was the first day of her last period.  I'm guessing around the 27th of July.  2 weeks from then, approx August 12th or so is probably close to her ovulation date.

    Did you two have s*x around then, by chance?  

    Condoms break/leak.

    Good luck.  Pay a visit to PP.  If she misses her period get a few pregnancy tests from dollar general and start testing her.  

  3. good luck

  4. I honestly do not think shes pregnant, you still have a few days left. you were only in there without one for a few seconds. and if she's stressing about being pregnant or about anything else it can cause her to miss her period. just calm down and it'll come.  

  5. If you just had s*x on the 23, she will have to wait 3-4 more weeks to get an accurate result. And there is no other "medical abortion" that is different from the "normal" abortion. Go for adoption. But I doubt shes preg. tell her not to stress about it, b/c that can cause her period to be late as well.

  6. A woman with a normal cycle (and it sounds like she has one since she knows when her period is due) usually ovulates about two weeks before her due period.  An egg dies within 24 hours of ovulation, so, unless you had unprotected s*x with her in the middle of August, there is a very slim to none chance that she got pregnant based on your interactions on August 23rd.

    From the time of fertilization (sperm meets egg) to implantation (fertilized egg floats down to uterus and attaches) there is a 5-8 day waiting period.  At this point (if she is "pregnant") the egg hasn't even implanted.  You'll need to wait at least five more days for that, and then probably another week before the hcg levels would be high enough in her urine to detect pregnancy.

    Like I said though, I doubt she got pregnant based on the information you gave.

    There is an abortion pill.  You would have to call an OB/GYN to get information on that though.

  7. it usually takes about 2-3 weeks before a normal pregnancy test picks it up and about the abortion thing I'm not for it but there are several different abortion methods. Either Google it or do a yahoo search or use any other search engine you know. Just put types of abortion in the search and a lot of different things should come up. Best Of Luck! Oh yeah just to tell you now that it's always the mothers decision that counts.

  8. chill it's only been 4 days.

    you need to wait 4 weeks to even get an accurate result on a test.

    her period could be irregular, if she says it usually comes at the end of the month, it'll come at the end of the month. or the beginning of next month.

    but tell her not to stress out because that much stress WILL postpone a period and that will just freak her out more.

    be patient.

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