
When can you feel your baby kick?

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ill be 19 weeks on wednesday. so almost 5 months and i can feel him move dont get me wrong but when can you actually really feel your baby kick? and when can you hear its heart beat with a store bought fetal heart moniter? and when will your baby be able to hear you, and react to light and stuff? thanks for your answers.




  1. I was around 20-21 weeks when i felt him kick and actually saw him kick on my will happen soon! congrats!

  2. Babies  can start to hear around the beginning of the third trimester.  This is also when you will start feeling the actual kicks (hard!).  It's so fun as you get further along to not only feel their kicks; but to be able to distinguish a heel or a bum and to watch your tummy move about like a roller coaster.   There are so many sites that offer personal week by week baby calendars that tell you what's happening week by week.  I'm not going to recommend a certain one because there are SO many.  But just Google "baby ca lander" and go for a couple different free sites.  Then you know exactly when to expect what.  Enjoy!!!

  3. i felt flutters at 17wks.

    kicks and punches at 19weeks.

    my BF felt the movements at 21 weeks

  4. I recently went to an ultra sound with my pregnant sister. The doctor said you start to feel them kick around 7 or 8 months or so. And the only other one I know is when they hear you is all the time. they can hear you as soon as they develope.

  5. i was like 20 weeks when it first happened to me

  6. I started feeling mine kick at 24 1/2 weeks.  Now, I'm 26 weeks and can feel her all the time!!  It's so cool.

  7. i was 17 weeks when i felt a kick from this 1

  8. when i was 16 weeks and he has never stopped the kick just gets harder and harder

  9. She/he can hear you right around this time.You won't feel big kicks till you're around 24 weeks.Go to for more details.Good luck on the remainder of your pregnancy!

  10. i really felt my daughter at 20-21 weeks. orange juice got her kicking and flipping a lot in the morning. he/she should be able to hear you and some outside noises now. the store bought fetal heart monitor did not work, it was a waste of money.

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