
When can you get rid of baby gerbils?

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if you have two gerbils and they have baby's how old do they have to be to get rid of the baby's?




  1. You can wean them between 6 and 8 weeks old.

  2. Gerbils begin weaning off their mother and start eating solid foods at around 3 weeks old BUT they should not be removed from their mother before 6 weeks.

    However, female and male siblings must be separated before they hit 10 weeks otherwise you run the risk of inbreeding.

    Hope this helps

  3. Get rid of? you can kill or throw away the baby gerbils as soon as you wish. The parents can be any age for you to do this.

    Or you could find safe homes for the babies when they reach 6 - 8 weeks of age.

  4. i'm with the first answer

  5. Wait till they are weaned if you want to give them away as pets. If you just want them gone. Call some of the local pet shops and ask them if they would want them to use for feeding.

  6. 5 weeks old at pet smart ur welcome dude

  7. Six to eight weeks is usually the best time, although they can be weaned and "ready" at five weeks.

    Although, I'm not realy sure that "get rid of" is the right term. If you are a responsible gerbil breeder, you should have thought this out beforehand. A gerbil can have anywhere from three to eight [or even more pups], and you should have up to nine or ten possible homes in case the litter is bigger than you expected. You should have confirmed several homes in advance to make sure the poor pups wouldn't find themselves in this situation where you want to "get rid of" them. Poor gerbs. Please plan ahead next time or don't breed at all.


  8. wait until their about 6-8 weeks an then take them too a pet shop or giv them to a friend e.c.t

  9. My mice had 17 babies... I gave them up to a pet shop. They probably got sold as snake food, but I couldn't physically look after 19 mice- when I bought them, I was told my two mice were both female.

    I think not.

    Wait until they're weened, then take them to you local pet shop.

  10. right now! buy a snake

  11. they  can be seperated from their mother at 5 weeks

  12. You can place them in new homes around 6 weeks of age. I would recommend you rehome them in same s*x pairs or trios depending on how many pups there are. Gerbils are social, and should be kept in pairs.

    I, also, recommend you separate mom and dad. Keep a daughter with mom, and introduce a son to dad. This way, they have a companion, but they can't reproduce. It doesn't sound like you wanted babies in the first place since you want to "get rid of" them. Gerbils can multiply quickly, so it's best to keep them in same s*x pairs if you don't plan on breeding responsibly.

  13. a pet shop?

  14. "get rid of"... I'm not sure I like the sound of that :S You do mean sell them or something don't you? Well, if you do, you should wait until they are about 7 weeks old.

  15. it depends what you mean by get rid of them. if you think they look ugly, you can just flush them. if you want to sell or give them away, they should at least be 7 or 8 weeks old.

  16. I would seperete them at about........15  weeks???

  17. i would wait till they were atleast 8 weeks old.

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