
When can you start having pregnancy symtems? And am I pregnant? Need lots of advice!?

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I had my last period on June 13th and then I had unprotected s*x like 4 times on June 21,27,28, and July 3rd. My periods expected July 13th, so I won't know if I'm pregnant until then... but I was wondering if its possible that I am?...and the past few days I've not been able to eat much, no appatight/nausea/some pain in my uterus area, and fatigue. Is it possilbe to already have pregnancy symptoms? Please help!




  1. if you've had unprotected s*x, yes you could be pregnant

    you'll just need to wait and see if your period comes

    pregnancy symptoms often mimic PMS symtoms so watch out & if your young, use contraception in the future!


  2. Pregnancy is possible because you did have unprotected s*x during your high risk time. You can feel symptoms this early, but sometimes when you get so worried about it, you can convince your mind that your feeling these symptoms.  I Believe their are some pregnancy tests that can detect the hcg even before a missed period, maybe its "first response" Im not too sure. You could take one of those or just wait it out. If your late, take a test and go from their. Have you been getting headaches? Is the fatigue all day? Getting cramps at all? Any foods you normally eat/drink turning you off? These are other signs.

  3. yes of course. some woman feel symptoms as soon as within the first week of getting pregnant. you had s*x at a time when you were  likely the most fertile, so chances are pretty good that you are pregnant. in fact, you will be incredibly lucky if you arent (that is, lucky if you are not trying to get pregnant). when woman get pregnant, sometimes their estrogen levels can create a cyst on one ovary which can sometimes cause pain or discomfort, so that may be the culprit behind your pain in the 'uterus area'. take an early response home pregnancy test in about 2-5 days. if its negative, that doesnt mean its correct- it may still be too early on in the game, or it may just be wrong; take another one just in case. good luck

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