
When can you start having s*x?

by Guest56802  |  earlier

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My boyfriend says that he will break up with me if we don't have s*x! In only 16! Should i do it? I need to know




  1. no, kick him to the curve, and move on

  2. What a jerk! Let him break up with you. He doesn't care about you! Think about it: if you don't allow him to use you physically, even though you aren't ready, he will dump you. Is that really the type of guy you deserve? He doesn't love you, he doesn't care. He just wants to get in your pants. You should break up with HIM.

  3. Don't if he is saying that to you he isn't worth it!! trust me on this think of me as your brother. he is just trying to use you don't! he will leave u anyway.

  4. nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    u should do that if u really sure to do that

  5. No. Absolutely not. Wait until you are ready. He obviously doesn't love you if he is going to leave you if you don't put out. When you are ready you will know. Please wait and don't do anything with that jerk.

  6. no dump his A$$

  7. no.

    if your boyfriend is giving you hat kind of choice he isn't worth it.

    thats an awful thing to do to a girl.

    you should only do it when you are ready and you will know when you are trust me!

  8. Heck no. If that is all he wants you for dump him. Men or boys should I say aren't worth it...

  9. He's USING you.  Don't have s*x if you aren't ready.  Especially with someone who only wants you to have s*x with.  That means he doesn't truly care about you or your feelings.

  10. Listen carefully. HE IS A SCUMBAG. If you don't dumb him for even saying such at thing, you two will have one thing in common - no respect for you.

  11. think about this... when you do have s*x with him will he still be around? you may be ready to have s*x, but not with him he' sgonna hurt you, and if you get pregneant I betcha yall gonna be on Maury!!! be safe!!! use protection even if he likes it raw be smart

  12. Leave him!!! He can not contradict what goes on in your life!!! You are 16, not 24 and married.  He should not be pressuring you into s*x!!!  Ask him how does he feel about teen pregnancies, and dead beat dads!!! good luck girl

  13. man that dood is just trying to get some cuddy. just forget about him and let him get an std then you laugh! but really just forget about him but if you really cant see that then you have s*x when you r emotionally ready  

  14. When a guy truely love the woman, he can wait. But if he cant, it means he only want to have s*x with you and thats PERIOD.

  15. Its not worth it i promise.

    There are better guys out there.

    And if you don't wanta dont!!

    I promise u that u will be grateful later that you didn't do it!

    Hope i could help,


  16. You cant have s*x whenever you WANT. Its not illegal but dont do it just to keep this guy

  17. No don't do it you will regret it soo badly. If he truly cared about you he wouldn't pressure you into it. Just break up with him, ya you probably care about him but he isn't a true boyfriend if he is pressureing you like this.  

  18. Well your boy-friend is not worth it if he is just in for the s*x.

  19. Hi Kid,

    I feel better you tell your Boy fren to visit a Prostitute and stay away from him as this is not Love for him its just lust. But its your life and beside than your boy fren wish you have to take a decision.  

  20. no, if thats all hes in it for then its not worth it.

  21. f*****k  NO! you should do it if someone is making you. you should do it  whenever you are ready. you need to tell him that you are not ready yet. if he could wait and if he tell you NO! then break -up with him. he is just trying to get some form you and if he does he is just going to leave your *** alone. trust me. that almost happy to me. i was going to lose it to one of my boyfriends and when i was there i didn't want to do it anymore. so the next day at school he break-up with me and beside that he told his friends that he did f*****k  me.  

    well at least i stand up for myself cause nobody is going to. you know what maybe you say that you love him and that you ready ,but are you sure you are?? i wish you the best ad i hope you make the right choice

  22. you don't ever wanna be in a situation where you're not in control. you make the rules, it's your life. and if he doesn't understand then he's not mature enough to have a girlfriend as cool as you- you're just using your brain.

    i feel like if you really loved him and felt the love back- you would want to have s*x.that's the way most couples work. when they are ready and care about one another they both want to have s*x. and since you don't want to yet, then maybe you haven't reached that level. (and since he sounds like a d**k, you may not lol)

    always go with your gut.

  23. No you definitely should not. if the only reason you are going to have s*x is to stay with your guy, then there is no point to have it. that is pathetic on his part, and sad on yours if you will even consider doing it just to stay with him. i've been in that position before, and yes it sucks, but do the right thing, because if not you will be hurt in the end.

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