
When carbon dating an animal?

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why does it say that a mulusk that died just a few days ago, that it dies 500,000 yrs ago? can we trust that man made dating thing or what?




  1. Q: What is "it" that says so?

    A: I believe "it" refers to the carbon dating result that states the testing of said molusc that died 3 days ago was rigged due to either contamination by exhaust from 300,000,000 yr-old fossil fuel that cooked it on the gas stove or simply sloppy handling of said specimen.

    Q: Did the examiner, on Mr Pastoral Biker's request, perform a biopsy on said molusc before the carbon dating?

    A: I am not sure; the reporter wouldn't say.

    Q: Thank you for your time.

    A: You bet you are.

  2. If you trust man made gods such as Jesus or Yahweh over a basic tool of science, then you're an absolute ignoramus. By the way carbon dating is only accurate to about 60,000 years ago.

  3. Uh giving SOME indication as to what you're talking about would have been helpful.

    Why does WHAT say that a molusk, etc.?

    What molusk? How do you know when it died? What man?

    Carbon dating is a well-established method.

    Oh, but I'm pretty sure that those who use it say that it doesn't work for dtes at long ago as 500,000 years, as all the carbon 14 is gone long before then.

    I suspect that whatever bildge you've been reading or listneing to was written or said by someone who either didn't know what they were talking about, or was lying.

  4. 1. The simple answer is that carbon dating uses the Carbon 14 isotope, which is used preferentially by living organisms. Shells used by animals do not contain the same ratio as organic carbon as living bodies (their Carbon is normally Carbon 12, which sits in the carbonate molecule, in the calcium carbonate that makes up the shell). Also, shells are routinely used over and over by different animals, so there's that. So the ratio for nonliving, inorganic shells is way off from that of living, organic bodies.

    2. Carbon dating will not give a date of 500,000 years. The oldest date you're going to get with any reliability will be in the neighborhood of 35,000 - 40,000 years ago, tops. The way that half-lives work, you can't detect enough C-14 to get a date that old. 500,000 years is more than 80 half-life periods for C-14. The fact that someone says carbon dating is giving a date that old should sound incredibly hokey to you.

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