
When chickens run around with their heads cut off, where do they think they are going?

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When chickens run around with their heads cut off, where do they think they are going?




  1. Heading straight to you fox - that's what your photograph is-

  2. They are not thinking, they lost their heads.

  3. it is just a reflex. since they don't die they are in a tremendous amount of pain and can't see or think so they do basically the only thing they can do until they die.

  4. I don't know. but I don't really think that's very amusing. These days chickens are not killed by a swift chop. They are painfully shackelled by their fragile feet upside down in an assembly line. Their throughts are slit by a fast moving assembly line blade, which often misses leaving the birds to die slowly and painfully. They are then dumped into scallding water to remove their feathers. Many birds are still alive at this point and are horribly burnt to death. So the whole chicken running around without a head is just a stereotype, because industrialised factory farming techniques and high productivity drives the market to increase production by decreasing production time and costs. The chicken aren't going any where because they are shackelled upside down killed with a dull blade and dumped in boiling water.

  5. to the cooking pot. chicken & dumplings yum yum  Actually since the head has been removed they are dead and the movement is a reflex.

  6. crazy

  7. How can they think? Their heads are on the floor.

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