
When choosing school subjects...?

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Should you choose them on which subject you enjoy/are good at or which subjects will be helpful to the career path you would like to take?

For example,I love and am really good at History,but the job I want really doesn't involve any history.




  1. In high school?  Do what you're good at.

  2. For high school, I took several courses that were not relevant to my career choices today such as dance, art, and photography courses. They are hobbies that I enjoy and they helped me calm down and relax during school hours. It didn't hurt me in the long run, but actually helped a bit because I could apply the skills I learned from those courses into other projects or assignments. History should be beneficial for you and wouldn't hurt you in the long run, but also choose courses you believe will help you in the future.

    If you mean for college, then I would reconsider just 'cause it costs a lot of money to take a course. If you really enjoy History then I would suggest making it a minor instead of a major. Taking courses in college just for fun becomes expensive and time consuming.

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