
When choosing your child's godparent...?

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How long should you wait for them to think about it before moving on to your next choice?

And how would you go about telling them that you decided to go with someone else, without being rude?




  1. I would say you should wait about a week or two for them to make a decision. For some people this is a big decision.

    You can easily tell them that you have chosen  to go with someone else without being rude. However, it is difficult to tell them this without hurting their feelings. You just need to explain to them your decision. Just make sure you are doing what is best for your child. Don't let the possibility of hurting someones feelings stop what's best for your child.

    If the reason you have decided to go with the other couple is due to the delay in decision from the first couple. I would just saying something like, "I can understand that some people will have hesitancy about taking on the responsibility of being a child's God Parent and that is fine. I have no problem with that. I just really want the people that do take on the task to be excited and interested in this title and responsibility."

  2. Well tell them what you would like (asking them to be your child's godparents) and then if they say they want to think about it then you say nonchalantly ''well I understand, just think about it and get back to us next weekend, and they will know to start thinking about it and they have a week to decide, but if you just say well you think about it for a while, that could mean a month. So kinda give them a time limit without really giving one. But that would acually be really rude if they took a long time anyways to get back to you. And if they take a while then, call them and ask them straight up, (if they take that long they more than likely dont want to do it) if they say no or were still thinking then just say well just call me back tonight and let me know, cause if not thats okay I understand its a big thing to take in (kinda like console them, baby them so they dont feel bad) and give them another time limit, like I said call me tonight or call me back tommorow and let me know. Then if they say no, make sure you let them know you are not mad you totally understand, and ask the next couple.

    Good Luck!

  3. well it was very easy to pick the god mother.. i ask my sister when i found out.. haha oddly she was there when i did the test in the bathroom* creepy i know* but we were soo excited.

    my boyfriend picked the god father and it took us the entire pregnancy and  5 months post-partum to finally pick the right guy. and we told him and wow it was incredible hes reaction and now everytime we see him its like.. when is he getting baptized. and now i want to change the god father but im stumped what to do because he went back to drinking and not much of a role model or stuff to hold onto. ill watch for answers on your question=D

  4. "if you're not comfortable with the responsibility, it's ok to tell me that.  i would understand it completely and i know you love me and my baby.  i can always ask cousin so-and-so... i just wanted to ask you first."

    i would have that conversation with them before talking to your 2nd choice, and i would probably not mention to your second choice that you asked someone else first.  hopefully your first choice will keep it to themselves.

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