
When claiming benefits uk?

by  |  earlier

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do you have to tell them who the babys father is? what if ya dont know? or ya dont want anything to do with them?




  1. You don't have to tell them who the baby's father is unless you're living with him.

    However if you're claiming income support, you automatically have to apply to claim child maintenance or it could effect your benefits, and obviously you have to tell the CSA (child support angency).

  2. no u dont have to tell them i havent x

  3. Well this does depend Is the Dad on your baby's birth certificate ?

    If so then yes they will if the Dad isn't then no because they see it as the father is unknown, but he should help pay for his child regardless

  4. i didn't have to submit a claim to CSA?

    you don't need to give any details of the father it goes on you and your household

  5. No, they wont even ask you. It has nothing to do with benefits.

    The only time they would ask is if you are trying to get child support.

  6. Absolutely Not and if you don't know how could you possibly tell them anyway...

  7. They will ask you who the father is, if you honestly dont know there is nothing they can do about it, if you do know you can lie and say you dont know and again they can do nothing, is he on the birth certificate cos they might ask to see it, if not I wouldn't worry just tell them you dont know who he is!!

    Dont know why im giving this advice cos people on handouts annoy me

  8. You do have to submit a claim to the CSA but if you genuinely don't know who the father is there is not a lot they can do about it.  The only way the CSA will leave you alone is if your ex partner was violent towards you and you fear for yourself and your child if he is contacted.

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