
When color effluents are evaporated and condensed, what contents does the colorless output water contain?

by  |  earlier

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i made the color effleunts to evaporate in a glass chamber and got colorless water out of it. now, i would like to know the charecterstics of the output water (which looks very pure like distilled water). is it necessary to go for COD and BOD tests.




  1. Yes it is necessary to check whether it will pass the limit stipulated by the law if you are planing to discharge it.

    Definitely the BOD and COD will be comparatively lesser than your coloured effluent.

  2. I don't know what tests you want to run on it I'm sorry, but it will contain anything that has aboiling point of less than 10 degrees C - and there are plenty of organic compounds that do that.

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