
When communist russia invaded everyone around it and formed the USSR, what did US do?

by Guest59020  |  earlier

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everyone is asking what happens if russia invades this country etc. but it already happened in history and what did US actually do then.




  1. It got pissed

  2. ya know what? europe isn't defenseless. if they want to stop russia they should speak up.  

  3. Why USA invaded Alaska, Hawaii, Texas, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Austria-Hungary, the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Angola, Libya, Haiti, Parama, Puerto Rico, Grenada, Cuba?

  4. Well, if you want a bit of history, in 1918-1922, when USSR expanded over the nearest states, US actually did nothing - must had had its own problems then. Although Europe did try to interfere and invaded USSR' territories and supported anti-revolutionaries, it wasn't searching for peace and justice, it just wanted do destroy the new-born state and seize USSR' territory, but didn't succeed. So no one has done anything significant then.

  5. The Russian Revolution and Russian Civil war was going on simultaneously with WW1. the USSR pretty much emerged  by the end of the war.

    It was again WW2 that was the timeframe for the last expansion (baltic states and part of Poland etc ).

    Even if there was justification to, its pretty hard for the USA to have done anything while it was fighting another war.  

  6. Yankees chewed their snots, because they have little cowardly hare's soul and ways of jackal. To be at war even with present Russia on dry land America will dare never, as can not take the courage to get  5-10 million dead bodies which it sure will get in the opened war with Russia without the use of nuclear weapon. And in respect of Russians - let there will be though 30 million dead bodies, if a victory will be ours. Therefore - go to all devils to twist tails your cows on your Texas pastures, lousy cow-boys, sheep, the different-tribe rabble, derelicts, people without history and real motherland, which a place was not in the Old World.

  7. Short of exercising the nuclear option I would say that they haven't a prayer in h**l.

  8. Well, Russia, for the most part, didn't invade the former Soviet Republics. They had socialist governments in them to begin with and thus wanted to join the USSR.

  9. You have to look further back into the last months of World War II (when the Allies were laying siege on Germany itself, having liberated most of Europe from German occupation) . The Big Three (Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin) held two meetings (Yalta Conference and then later, the Tehran Conference). In those meetings, the Big Three discussed the master plan for a post-war world (how the geo-political structure of the world should look like once the war is over). They agreed on carving the world into "spheres-of-influences" with clear demarcation lines. Western Europe and much of Asia and Africa would be part of the Anglo-French-American sphere, Eastern Europe (including the Balkans) will be Soviet sphere. Post-War Germany itself would be carved into two spheres of influence (West Germany is to be Anglo-American zone, East Germany is to be Soviet zone).

    As we have seen, the nations in the Anglo-French-American sphere in Asia and Africa were later granted independence after the war.

    On the other hand, the Kremlin tightened its grip on the nations within the Soviet sphere, with no nation gaining its independence (except for Yugoslavia under Broz Tito, who was bold enough to declare its independence from the USSR in the 1950's).

    So, to answer your question, Russia didn't invade anyone to form the USSR. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bello-Russia (Belarus) and many others happened to be in the Soviet sphere of influence as part of the Big Three agreement.

    USSR remained that way ever since, until it collapsed in 1991, with many of the Soviet states declaring independence.

  10. The United States was entering into one of its strongest isolationist periods.  The American public considered the USSR to be the Europeans problem.  Once we got our forces out of the USSR in 1921 we did basically nothing.

  11. well, when the Soviet Union was formed it was like a union of independedn countries. Russians invades some countries and others "willingly" entered the Union, Im writing willingly but mosrty they did it coz there was no way out, no other option,,

    even at the present moment Russia keeps on presuring, Belorus and Armenia, they are under Russians control, Russians hasnt invaded them but the fact is that Russia Controls absolutely everythign in those countries

  12. The U.S. " huffed and they puffed" [ cold war ], but they didn't "blow the house down" ! The 'house' collapsed cos the system didn't work. U.S. was terrified of communism [ Korea / Vietnam ], instead of having faith in democracy prevailing by itself.

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