
When comparing Gold, Silver, and Platinum which one would be a better choice to invest in and why?

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When comparing Gold, Silver, and Platinum which one would be a better choice to invest in and why?




  1. No one can predict the future.  They may all go up or they all may go down.  Since they are at the high end of their price ranges now, the chances are that they will top out and then decline in value.  I've seen it happen with oil during the embargo, with internet stocks and it will eventually happen with oil and metals again.

  2. You should really ask yourself "What can I afford to invest in?" first.

    If money is no object for you than of course shoot for the Gold and Platinum, but if money is something that you can't really afford to waste than go for Silver.

    I personally can't afford much so I buy Silver coins myself. Silver is a very diverse metal and is used in many technologies due to its unique metallurgic properties including, but not limited to, photography, dental compounds, solder, brazing, electrical contacts, batteries, mirrors, and printed circuits. Silver fulminate is a powerful explosive. Silver iodide is used in cloud seeding to produce rain. Silver chloride can be made transparent and is also used as a cement for glass. Silver nitrate, or lunar caustic, is used extensively in photography. Silver is germicidal and may be used to kill many lower organisms without harm to higher organisms. And, of course, Silver is used as coinage in many countries :-)

    So yeah ... Silver is a most diverse metal indeed.

    To put it bluntly, ... You can't go wrong investing in Silver!

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