
When considering a university in which you would like to study, what things you should know or find out?

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I want to study in the UK, but I just don't know a enough about the universities and the cities too.




  1. Are you going to study abroad for a short period or do your entire program there?  What you look for might depend on the answer to this question.

    Basically, I suggest finding out:

    1.  Where is the school; is it in a big city or small town/urban or rural (then compare this to what you prefer)

    2.  Does the school offer classes in the subjects of interest to you?  Don't just look for a major, but also (if possible) look at their online course catalog and see what is actually being offered there this semester.  Sometimes they say they offer a course but haven't for 10 years!

    3.  Get an overview of the student population.  What type of student goes there typically -- are they older or younger, richer or poorer, married or single, commuters or live on campus?  If most of the population is different from you, it might make studying there difficult.  In other words, if you're single and 18 but most of the student are married and 35, you might feel a little left out and have a hard time making friends.

    4.  Are there professors there who are interested in the things your interested in, and do they seem supportive?  E-mail one or two select professors with some questions.  Don't expect an immediate answer, but you'll know where you can count on caring professors if you get an answer from one place but not for another.

    (This last piece isn't so important if you're just studying abroad for a short time.)

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