
When cops run your plates here in las vegas nevada what information do they get?

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I registered my car under my name that my dad will be driving unitl I get my license, will he get pulled over because they think I am driving the car with my permit?




  1. He may if we do a detailed dmv report, but I'm sure your dad looks older than you.......

  2. It will show that the car is owned by an unlicensed driver, and if they pull him over he just needs to show his license. But if he's not doing anything wrong, or look suspicious they shouldn't run the plates anyways.

  3. They do it here in California too... No they do not pull you over for that.. The only reason a person gets pulled over is because they broke the law not because they are driving a car and the police think it is you driving

  4. To Jen: "Shouldn't" run plates is an extremely subjective thing. If that is your personal belief fine. However, the courts across the country virtually 100% rule that police can run any plate at any time. Basically, if an officer can see it, you can run it...For no other reason than he feels like it. In our local court, our judge won't even let a person ask the officer why they run their tag. Not important, don't care, the officer had every right to do so.

    To answer the question, I'm not from Nevada, but I have run Nevada plates before. It's about the same as every state

    Registration information (Expiration, VIN, Owner (name/address), Vehicle, Make, Model, type) and if an agency decides to "attach" any warrants to the tag, those would show up also in a local database.

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