
When cops take a class where they learn how to do cavity searches, do they practice on themselves?

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It's a serious question.




  1. Yes...

  2. Police officers do not do cavity searches.

  3. they practice on farm animals and cadavers

  4. They don't genies!  But thanks for the chuckle!  A doctor at a hospital.  A lot of freaked out meth addicts (any addict for that mater) shove things up their, "you know what", I sure he double hockey sticks not gonna go diving for it.

  5. Don't know where you live but here the cavity search is done by medical people. If there is cause and usually x rays are used.

    It is rare, instead we have the in custody do things like squat and jump up and down, packages, knives and guns tend to fall out but no long rubber gloves and lube like in those weird movies.

  6. They are constantly pulling me over and wanting to practice on me . I hate cops . Most of them horny and crooked as h**l. I feel sorry for the woman that are married to them .

  7. i think they scratch there head same thing because they are all azz

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