
When could I?

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I had my LMP on the 30th of June so I ovulated the 14-17 of this month. When is the earliest I could test and hopefully get a BFP?




  1. If you O'd on the 14 you could prob test tomorrow morning July 26 and maybe get + but if you did not O until the 17th you could test Tues the 29th and maybe get a +

    Keep in mind though that some women can be 8 weeks pregnant before getting a + on a home pregnancy test so it is hard to say for sure if you would get an accurate reading.

    You could buy some dollar store tests and try these (this way you don't go broke buying tests lol) I have read that some women will get a positive on these as early as 4 - 6 days before their period is due, but it all varies depending on if you have enough Hcg in your urine to give you a + reading.  Good luck! :)

  2. You can generally get a positive test result 10 days after conception and a few days before your period is due. So say your period is due on the 30th, you could take an early response test and would PROBABLY get an accurate result. Make sure to use your first morning urine because the hormones are strongest then. Buy a 2 pack so if you get a negative, you can try again a few days later! Good luck!

    EDIT: Not all women ovulate on the same schedule, so what works for one woman may not work for another, but what I wrote is generally correct.

  3. Were on the same schedule.. so i added you to my contacts..I hope you dont mind.. But anywho.. Im due on the 29-30th as well and I tested yesterday morning and got a BFN and so Im gonna wait until tomorrow morning.. maybe sunday morning if i can stand it.. :-) but anywho... I wish you the best of luck and keep me posted on when happens.. I think you should wait until this weekend at the very least.. b/c i OV on the 14-15 and I BD all over the place and Im still getting a BFN.. not to say that Im pregnant or anything.. i pray that i am.. but its best to wait til closer to when AF is due.. GL!!! and baby dust!!!

  4. Are you sure you ovulated between 14-17th? I mean, when is your next period due? Because the luteal phase is always around 14 days, so 14 days after ovulation is when you'd expect your period and that's also the day you should test. Implantation normally happens 8-10 days after ovulation and then a few days later there is often enough hCG in your urine to be able to test. Best of luck!!!
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