
When dealing with farm critters, which would you prefer ... chickens or turkeys?

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Personally, they both drive me nutso, but the turkey is arrogant and makes it impossible for the dogs to eat in peace. Something tells me Thanksgiving may come early this year.




  1. Turkey's can be very noisy, and mean  But so can roosters. But just plain old chickens I can take, plus you get the benefits of the eggs.  

  2. Chickens, turkeys are a pain in the rear, really.

  3. Chickens, without a doubt.

  4. Chickens I raised them for many years as a kid. I never did raise turkeys, but do enjoy watching the wild one that live around here.

  5. LMAO!

  6. Well i dont think i could chase and catch a turkey so i think i will take old  mrs clucker the chicken

  7.   Chickens, turkeys are a pain in the neck.

  8. Chickens,because i am not a big turkey eating fan. Once a year is enough. Chicken,i could eat at least 1-2 times a week!

  9. give me chickens any time .

  10. When we lived on our little farm, of course we had the chickens. I hated gathering the eggs and I swear that rooster was a demon in feathers.  We hatched some turkeys and I trained them by using a hunting turkey call whenever I fed them and they imprinted on me. I loved my ugly little "turk-lets", they followed me around the yard and all 5 of them would bundle up in my lap if I sat in the grass. One night a critter got into the coop and killed all of them and I cried for days.  

  11. Chickens

  12. Have you ever tried sleeping out side with turkeys around, the will wake you pecking you on the head wanting to be feed,and the steal the dog food when the get a chance

  13. I've raised both. The chickens are still here, the turkeys are long gone. Can you guess which I prefer? Tho in the turkeys defense, I must say, they were very tasty.

  14. I've had chickens several different times and I like them but never had turkeys so can't really compare them.  

    The feather footed bantams were so pretty, the girls had names for all of them and made pets out of them so needless to say we used them for eggs only.

  15. Well, we have wild turkeys in our back woods that come out at sunset.  They are noisy then.  We've had chickens back on the farm and they are noisy at sunrise.  So, I'd pick one of the other, but not both!

  16. Chickens, their eggs taste better.

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