
When deciding your vote do you consider what $550 Billion USD could buy?

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Or do you accept that money is gone forever and America can expect to spend a lot more on an inefficient war before it is all over.




  1. That number is clearly false.  The US military budget is roughly $500-$700 billion annually. The US currently accounts for 48% of global military spending; that is roughly matching the rest of the world dollar for dollar for military spending.  Our police state ideology is economically crippling us

    The war in Iraq has cost the US taxpayer over $2 trillion dollars, not $500 billion.  

  2. The very fact you have used the word "buy" just goes to show that you would be ready to waste the money too.  It's a good thing we have a Republican ticket, so that we have a chance of working on solving the federal debt instead of wasting the money one way or another.

    The last time we made good progress it was with Republican majorities.  Clinton was President but he never would've been successful if the Republicans hadn't prevented him from "buying" too much with our money, like you apparently would've tried to do.

  3. 550 billion is only some direct costs. You're being very conservative with your estimates there.

  4. No, that would mean my decision was an emotional one.  

  5. 550 billion dollars would help get rid of poverty in africa

  6. Yeah, I thought about it.  It could pay a lot of teachers salaries, or pave a lot of road.  Or maybe take care of a lot of sick kids w/out healthcare...or even pay for better healthcare for veterens.  Maybe some military families could get off welfare if their salaries were increased with that money.....hmmmm....lots of things it would pay for.

  7. Wow, weird to see something like that. $1700 a person?  You think I would feel safer for that kind of money, but I never really felt threatened in the first place.  

    Makes sense though when you consider that KBR (part of Haliburton) embroiders their initials in the  towels they give to the troops (paid for by us) then charging tax payers 4x there value.

  8. I consider the fact that I want to keep my money and not have it go down the c**p hole is Barry is elected.

  9. After the government gets it's hands on it, it wouldn't even buy a single free school breakfast for our students.

    What makes you think a few billion dollars is going to help anything when we're bleeding trillions thanks to failing government programs?

  10. Can you name any war that was under a budget?Oh wait,Vietnam was one,and we know how that turned out,right Ted Kennedy and his defunding congress ?

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