
When did Al Gore say I am cereal?

by Guest60251  |  earlier

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Was it in a speech or something and where can I watch that???





  1. If you listen to him speak... He really sounds like he says "Cereal" and not "Serious".

    I have no idea why he sounds like that...

    Did you know that 2 years before he started talking about Global Warming he set up a major corporation that sells “Carbon Credits”?

    Did you know that after he was called on the fact that he uses the same amount of electricity each month as, what was it? 17 households? And how he “Made up for that” by “buying carbon credits to offset his usage” that he is actually “buying” credits FROM HIS OWN COMPANY?

    The company that he makes MILLIONS of dollars from each year?

    Yeah… He sets up a company to prey on eco-guilt… Then goes on a Global Press Champaign to raise eco-guilt… And laughs all the way to the bank…

    I wonder if he invested the money he got with his Nobel Peace Prize in to his Carbon Credit company…

    What a scum bag…

  2. I don't know but it may be one of those rumors like he said he invented the internet which he never said.  Once he was talking about growing up with an older sister. He said women had equal rights then if not more so. He was just talking about being in a typical sibling rivalry relationship joking around but instead it came out he said women had equal rights back them even more so...I have only found South Park having him say "I'm cereal" meaning "I'm serious".

  3. he meant serial like in serial lire

  4. I don't recall Al Gore ever saying that except for the South Park episode.

  5. It was two days after he invented the internet.

  6. algore was/is an idiot and a fake...the hr long kiss to Tipper at the convention is right up there with The Obama's fist bumping episode...but as for him saying he is cereal,I think that's Urban legend...although....

  7. When did Al Gore ever admit to anything?...i think this is myth...hes just another deluded fool with dollar signs in his eyes...

  8. In the man bear pig episode, i dont know the actual time he said that i wish i did though =)

  9. South Park,that's the only place I can find that quote.

    Of course anything is possible,Al Gore is after all an idiot.But at least he invented the Internet,I guess we owe him for that,LMMFAO!!!


  10. Al Gore is the reincarnation of Bela Lugosi. This time his big part is as a cereal killer. Tony the tiger and Captain crunch beware.

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