
When did America Turn Into A Bunch of Wimps?

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To imagine that our granparents rolled up ther sleves and made the USA what it is through war and deppression at a time when there was NO MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY, WELFARE, UNEMPLOYMENT WAGES, MEDICADE, DISABILITY ETC! When did we become a bunch of whiney fat slobs? Blamming the government for everything- all I want them to do is Defend our country and Ensure value to the currency!




  1. of the last 40 patents for mind control methods and devices , half were filed by ex - cia employees . this administration has made full use of these methods on the general population of america . the reichstag fire (9-11) rallied americans behind bush and got us to hate muslims . his fearmongering got us into a BS war in iraq . his administation has BORROWED 3 - 5 Trillion dollars to fight this war . yet we sit around and do nothing . hey ITS WORKING . obey .

  2. There was The New Deal and the Social programs to help people in The Depression. As to wimps well  about the time  of The Mcarthyite Witch Hunts. Whether or not a person was fond of Communism should not have been the central issue but the idea of people telling Americans that to infringe on their rights was allright. Also the ''I detest what you say but I will defend what you say to the death ''dictum. could apply. Other times can be seen in the recent eviction of people in trailer parks so condos can be built. This is happening next door to The U.S.A.  Just thought it worth a mention as the same thing could be happening in The U.S.A.

  3. I think when Americans started to have everything they began to take it for granted, but i disagree in saying they ALL became a bunch of wimps.

    Hey now, that's pretty harsh, so many Americans are trying their best to bring pride to this country namely the army, the athletes in the olympics now in Beijing, environmentalists, etc.

  4. Thank the libs for trying to create a nanny state

  5. It's called "MED-I-CATION." Did you skip a dose? Interesting that a guy labeled GreedyRuthlessSOB decides to ask this type of question.

  6. Stop it. You hurt my feelings. I'm going to sue you. Mommmmmy!

  7. Man, what cave did you crawl out of?  I mean that not as an insult, but as a reference to your individualistic position and your grasp of the situation.   Who cares?  What's important is how are we going to reverse it, how are we going to do it, and how long will it take.  My solution is a 3 year mandatory service to the country--either in the military, or in health care for credentialed doctors, dentists, nurses, technicians, or public service like garbage collection, street maintenance, etc. for everyone else.  We are a land of wimps because no one under 50 or so feels any obligation to their country.  A land of takers, not givers.  I no longer think illegals come here to do jobs Americans WON"T do, but to do the jobs that AMERICANS CAN NO LONGER do.

  8. well someone hatched a democrat sadly that changed the world to wimp your refferring to  

  9. When we stooped being one nation under god.

    Now we are republican and Democrats. And getting more divided everyday.

  10. I think it was July 4 1776. LOL

  11. When we were "forced" to be pc about everything.

  12. I trace it back to Lyndon Johnson.  President Roosevelt's social programs, New Deal,  gave people the opportunity to work for their pay. An honest days work for an honest days pay. The average American and the average immigrant back then had dignity. They didn't want a handout, they wanted a job.

    Lyndon Johnson's social programs were, and still are, based on handouts. Taking money from those who work hard and pay taxes and giving it to those who won't.

    As far as when we became wimps....I trace it back to the " Dr. Spock" method of child rearing.  Somewhere in the past 25 years children were told they are equal members the household and their opinion is as important as any other member of the family.  Children were told in school that if there parents spank them it's child abuse and they should tell a teacher or call 911.  

    The average American in their 20's today grew up in a society where:

    Everyone who participates in a sport gets a trophy.

    They don't keep score so nobody " feels bad "

    Traditional subjects in school have replaced by Heather Has Two Mommies,  The plight of the Spotted Owl, Global Warming, and the correct way to put a condom on a banana.

    Mastering the subject matter is no longer important. What matters now is "self esteem".

    Fighting of any kind will not be tolerated ( even if one is defending oneself )

    Guns are bad

    There is no right or wrong.

    When young boys act like young boys, they are labled ADD,  agressive, hyperactive, etc, etc, bla, bla, bla, and immediately medicated.

    A disproportionate number of young men today were raised by single mothers. These mothers grew up during the hayday of the woman's movement. No wonder they are wimps.  

  13. when the media became corrupted by liberals. now everyone who isn't dedicated enough to look past the drive-by media is a liberal (even if they don't know it)

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