
When did America go from Democracy to a Aristocracy?

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Stop the Thought Crime Prevention Bill- S.1959!!!




  1. When George W. Bu$h got "elected" it became a Kakistocracy.

  2. We never were a democracy.  We are supposed to be a Republic = Rule by Law.  A democracy is rule by majority, not a pleasant system if you happen to be in the minority.

    Well, special interests have always tried to influence, bribe or otherwise corrupt elected public servants.  For example, it was the control of many of our elected public servants by interests in the North East, that was the real cause of the Civil War.

    The banking interests used their influence to get Congress to create the Federal Reserve in 1913.  But influence peddling wasn't institutionalized until the Council on Foreign Relations came on the scene, in 1921, if my memory serves me correctly.  The CFR's agenda is world government, but it's members benefit handsomely by their influence on public servants.  A couple of good examples are, the big oil companies, who use government to maintain their monopoly, and high prices, and the pharmaceutical industry.  They utilze government to make it illegal for Americans to purchase generic drugs much cheaper in Canada.

    How many times have we seen the banking industry bailed out by the taxpayers.  Big government is CORRUPT government.

  3. The answer is here

    S. 1959 replaces #1 in the top ten list.

  4. I describe it like a poker game without a maximum bid.  The person with the most chips can bet more, therefore win more as well as afford more losses.  It's stacked in such away that those that have can get more, and those that don't have to keep giving more.  You can't time stamp a date and time it happened, but I would tend to say right after the Korean War.  If you go to a smaller town where 60 year old homes or even 100 year old homes are still standing, you'll notice that there's not that much difference between the rich houses and the middle class houses.  Now take a look around at houses that were made in the last 5 years - quite different aren't they?

  5. Strike that.  

    When did America go from Aristocracy to Democracy?

    Ah yes, Democracy -- that fabled fairy-tale of a thing got up by Aristocrats.  One would have to be an aristocrat that he or she would have the luxury and time to think up something like Democracy in the first place.  

    America is an oligarchy, an oligarchy of wealth; always has been and nothing but that.

  6. When they started to worship money

  7. When people stopped voting and getting involved, and let the politicians take over.

  8. It is happening for a while, but S1959 will be the icing on the cake.

    Stopping S1959 is URGENT.

    There are glaring loopholes and vague definitions that allow it to be abused against law-abiding American citizens.

    As worded, it criminalizes freedom of speech and political dissent. It also gives the government the right to monitor all of our internet activities. And yes, as worded, it criminalizes thought.

    If charged under this act, your Constitutional protections are void. You are labeled a TERRORIST.

    Once this bill becomes law, we lack the rights and liberties required to organize ourselves to vote a corrupt government out of office. I believe that is the objective of the bill.

    DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE DECEPTIVE NAME "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorist Prevention Act".  This bill targets AMERICANS.

    It is truly about fighting terrorism, then send it back for redraft to close the loopholes that leave it vulnerable to abuse.

    There is almost no time left to act. Write the letter. Fax the letter, too late for snail mail. Make the phone calls.

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