
When did America lose it's collective conscience?

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And don't bother saying after 911. the horror cause by 19 individuals can never excuse the descent into depravity not just by the Bush administration, but with much cheering by American citizens. Would you sell your soul for the illusion of safety? Would you accept safety at the cost of the blood of innocent children, at the cost of tortureing detainees never charged with a crime or even charged with a crime. Is this how the entire citizenery of Germany eventually accepted death camps as just another part of life?




  1. im more inclined to say, because of globalization and easy-access media, we haven't descended into depravity but the rate of reporting has increased. so it would seem like there is more evil-doings going on in the world, but really...there have always been evil-doers doing evil things to other people--but now more people know/see whats going on

  2. America has not lost it's collective conscience, it just changes it's mind on what is important! Americans don't all think alike, nor do they agree on everything...sometimes they can't agree on anything! We struggle through our beliefs and feelings regarding a certain topic, then we speak out when we feel things have gone too far (what ever too far is at the time), and we debate, yell and scream..some louder than others - but the will of the majority of people will eventually be carried-out! Remember that neither the religious-right, nor the socialist-left, nor any group in between, permanently control  or influence the government...the center of power is always does the "collective conscience" of America!

  3. hi garden girl...sorry to disagre, but I don't think the United States ever had a collective conscience, unless you're talking about Manifest Destiny and the Exploitation of the lands resources.

    I  believe that we are primarily a society built on the notion of self-gain... putting 'to have' ahead of all else. Perhaps this is the CC you speak of and if so, it;'s still alive and well... Unfortunately, I am not sure if we as a  people united, really are.

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