
When did Grey wolfs become endangered?

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When did Grey wolfs become endangered?




  1. they grey cookies arrr rlly bad mwahahaha

  2. First off guest 7775 thats a lie lots of people LOVE wolves... and retarded people like you who dont give a c**p for wolves are usually the ones that kill them... Anyway wolves started disapearing just a few years back when people (most likely men no offencene to the dudes)started way over hunting and killing them just for fun. I MEAN REALLY??!!?? Hunting isnt meant to be a sport it was meant to be a way for people (like the colonists) to stay alive during long harsh winters. BY THE WAY.... i find it very dumb that people use wolf furs now,its not like they dont have enough fabrics and clothes and burlington coat factorys (lol).

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