
When did IEP's come into the school systems?

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I know that I have a learning disability, but my parents and I don't have an IEP for me. I graduated high school in 1999. My mom says that she can't remember what the school called my LD-and my dad wasn't really a big part of my education, except to oversee my homework at night.

I would love to find out what my LD is labeled, but I'm not sure how to go about finding it. Any suggestions?




  1. Hi.  I'm a mom of a disabled son with learning disabilities.  We have had an IEP in place since his 2nd grade or in 1998.  

    I would contact your local county school district and have them look for your records and ask them when you may come over to review them.

    Good luck. Blessings, Patti

  2. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 was actually passed (or put into effect) in 1977. That established the usage of IEP's and least restrictive environments (LRE).

    Do you remember having end of the year meetings, called ARC meetings? You should have gotten paperwork then that would have included info about your disability, progress, goals, etc. Were you actually in special education classes? Who diagnosed your disability?

  3. Well there were IEP's in place in 99.

    The law that supports them has been in effect since the 70's (and really started being enforced in the 80's)

    Here is the thing about your IEP though, most districts destroy the records 5 years after you graduate.

    At every IEP meeting you mom was given a copy of the IEP...maybe she kept one. (they are done annually)   Ask her to look around and maybe something will surface!

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