
When did Keith Oberman of MSNBC sign the contract with Howard Dean to be a DNC hatchet man?

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I used to enjoy Oberman. Now anything a Republican says he just goes off on a tangent how its not good enough for him.

Chris Matthews is awesome, so is David Gregory, and Andrea Mitchell, and Brian Williams, and Tom Brokaw. They're all fun to watch and objective.

Oberman is a disaster.

For the record I can't stand Faux News either for the same reason, they're just too partisan.




  1. At least Keith doesn't just make up c**p! or insult people! He is like the rest of and are growing tired of the Republicans whining and blaming everybody else for their screwups!  

  2. Watching Keith Obernan now is like watching an old lady complain about the price of her diapers. I just watch the craziness on You Tube and sadly laugh now.

  3. Oberman is a idiot and a shill for the Obama campaign. He is a hater and hypocrite. Don;t listen to him and maybe they will cancel his show.  

  4. About two years after O'Reilly signed an identical contract with Karl Rove and the Bush administration.

    Olbermann's approach is to act on the left exactly as O'Reilly acts on the right.  The goal is ratings--as always.

  5. KO was too stupid and irrelevant for the sports channel.  They needed someone louder and more obnoxious than O'Rielly as a counter point and if the ratings are the test, he's not getting it done.  His days are numbered.  If Air America had any sense they would put this sour puss on the radio.

  6. I turned on the show last night when Fox had a commercial. Listening to that Olbermann guy made me puke. He is an outright moron of the highest magnitude. Can't get any higher that that.

  7. Olberman is great.  It's good to see an attack dog that backs up each statement with specific facts.  O'Reilly (his counterpart on the other side) just keeps spewing garbage at the top of his lungs in an attempt to drown out rational and factual thought.

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