
When did Liberals become so sexist? Are we back in the 1950's?

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Good Guy - I have never considered race or gender a factor in this election... and I do not believe that the bulk of the Republican party does either. You forget that the Democratic party was the one that opposed integration and birthed such parties as the "Dixiecrats"...

Could it be that the Democratic party is getting uncomfortable now that the Republicans are doing something publicly progressive?




  1. Liberals seem to be quite contrary to everything they 'say' the stand for---and nothing before this race has drawn them out to the fullest----I see a multitude of quite sexist questions concerning Sarah Palin from the same liberal who scream for equal rights for women---I have seen obvious Racism coming from the left who attacked he for marrying a man who is part Eskimo----Racist

    I have seen them discriminate against Age---they continue to sink to new depths of hypocrisy.

  2. Well most of your answers do not get it!!! I suppose they are youngsters, who in this day and age should not be allowed to vote,because they know nothing,they are quoting left wing news, and way socialist teachers, and if they have no religion at home, and were not raised in it, then they know nothing of what the rep. party is trying to do for this country!! This is one nation under GOD,and I pray every day that the reps win and bring on the religion, the Bible and guns!! and no more abortions, that they get America back to the way it used to be, in the good ole days!! Respect, integrity,Love of God and country, Patriotism, Honesty, decency!!! all of it, I agree that the children should all be left alone!! And I would assume that hellery and P'lousy are seething!!!! I love it!!



  3. Libs believe it's only sexist if you belittle liberal women.

  4. sarah cannot do the job. we are not in the 50's. The left became "sexist" about a minute and a half after the right became racist. But your hypocrisy will prevent you from admitting you're only concerned with attacking--but when it's thrown back at you, you whine the left is being unfair. Oh boo hoo, wanna borrow a kleenex?

  5. It's not so much that we're sexist. It's just that being a soccer mom doesn't necessarily qualify you as vice president.

  6. With that being the only question, "Can Sarah Palin do the job?"....I  unfortunately do not think so.

  7. You should really really watch this video ..

  8. The only people bringing up Bristol's pregnancy at this point are Republicans.

    I think it is a smokescreen for Troopergate, which is a real news event, either way.  

  9. The democrats have been hijacked by the liberal left.   You aren't supposed to question them or notice the hypocrisy.

    *Oh and great question.

  10. We're not the ones who wear buttons that say "Hottie VP" on them.

  11. hahahahahahahaha

    Riiiiiiiight.  Because all the great feminist were totally republican.  

  12. Can't you even come up with your own question instead of cutting and pasting?

    And who forces a teenage girl into a shotgun wedding in this day and age? Talk about the 50's.

  13. ok you get your serious news from the POST?! Give me a break..that's a trash newspaper.....i read it for a good laugh.

    IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HER BEING A WOMAN. She is a HYPOCRITE who does NOT stand for women's rights. She is anti choice, anti s*x education, so on and so forth. It is NOT the Dems who created a "hottest vp" button. Now that's sexist if you ask me.

    Being a mayor of a town of 9,000 people and governor of a state with the population of a medium sized city DOES NOT GIVE ONE REAL EXECUTIVE LEVEL US GOVERNMENT EXPERIENCE!! Agh will you people learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. They started as soon as a Republican woman came on the scene and made them look stupid.  Suddenly all their morals and values are not important enough to get in the way of an election.

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