
When did Mythology become a Myth?

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Im trying to find out when the majority of people stopped worshiping multiple gods and goddesses

and when those multiple gods and goddesses

became old folk stories

stories you learn about in 6th grade english?




  1. About the time people figured out myth is ridiculous and is not true to any other belief, science. They are just plain fake. It just doesn't make sense. It doesn't relate to anything. at least Christianity is more real and reasonable.

  2. Well I take that to mean in the West, in which case the answer is, on the introduction of Christianity, which happened at different times in different countries.

    That being said there are many religions perhaps the majority that are still polytheistic or have polytheistic elements. Religions such as Hinduism, Shinto are modern religions that have polytheistic elements.

    In the West there are people who claim to be a part of traditions that go back to pre-Christian religions. In Greece the Olympian religion has recently been officially recognised by the Greek government.

  3. Our Earth is old, older than we been told.

    The Chinese people are the Original Inhabitants of this World.

    You can follow them from, china to russia Greenland the Native American Indians, right down to South America.

    All Indigenous people have chinese Characteristics..

    And the Idea of "God" an all "powerful" being came with the "White" Race.

    Where does the "white" Race come from?

    And where does Religion come from?


    I give you my explanation.

    The "Annunaki" created us as a "Slave" Race.

    They used us to mine and to work for them.

    We rebelled against them and fought for our Freedom  and won.

    Who are the "Annunaki"?

    In simple Terms, an "Energy" Life form, exactly the same kind of Energy that radiates in our Brains, our "Spirit".

    Why? Because all Life is Energy.

    I got a picture of one on my Website.

    The Sunspots, and I studied them, have a characteristic like an egg.

    They have a shell and take energy in.

    They have a lifespan i.e. incubation Time of 12 years from no to high activity.

    That is where the Annunaki came from, they are living inside the sun.

    And Nibiru is just a "Vessel" they use like a ship, like they use us.

    Till today.

    Everything you ever heard about Ghoststories Fairy's and so on, ity is them.

    They are playing with us just like we play with dogs because we can't see them.

    We don't know that they are here, untill now that is.

    So we had no explanation untill now.

    My dear Friend.

    We are the Creation that outgrew the Creator.

    It is in every story they tell us.

    They dispise us.

    They fear us.


    Because they were once like us, Flesh and Bones.

    But their Greed and Blindness brought their destruction to them.

    They "Assendet" into a "spiritual" life form.

    But when they "assendet" they found out that they gained nothing.

    They lost touch with the physical World.

    Angered they turned into pure hate and vowed to destroy all life: i.e. make everything "eaqual, "Universal".

    And how do they do it?

    By burning us all.

    Univers, Universal, unity, unify, "The Great Architect of the Universe".

    That's where the "Freemasons" come in.

    They are the "Architects of the Universe".

    They are the "Manipulators", the "Gouverment".

    "Gouverment" is a Jewish word: "To control the Mind".

    And that is what they are doing.

    By promising you everything and giving you nothing.

    We are the Creation that outgrew the Creator.

    We are much more capable then them.

    Because we have the connection with the Earth that they don't have.

    We ahve feelings, they don't.

    The Jews are direct descendants from the "Annunaki".

    They call them "The Nephilim" to destract us.

    They sent the "Jews" to punish us, to split us up and make us Fight each other.

    In everyday life, year after year, War after War.

    This Bigger Brighter Better is just designed to make the Kids of today feel small.

    Everything we do today is designed to depress us make us in line, i.e. Robots.

    They feed us c**p because they took away our Freedom to grow and cook our own Food.

    They poison our water to sell us Coca Cola, wich is an addictive Poison.

    And so on.

    Everything Negative in Society comes from the Jews and/or the Freemasons.

    Every war, every Religion.

    Divide and conquer!

    There is no good and bad, there is only everything.

    There is no Sin.

    There is no God, there is only Life.

    All this bounderies in our minds is just a system of control.

    The perfect prisoner is a prisoner that thinks he is free.

    He won't rebell.

    He doesn't even know he is a Prisoner.

    See, they are an Energy Life form, so all "Intellectual".

    We have Feelings, the Jews don't.

    But we have to develop our Feelings.

    And that takes Time.

    36 Years to be procice.


    We are born four Times.

    One Time Physically and three times Spiritually.

    In a Twelve year Cicle.


    That is when we grasp our full potential.

    Now if you look at our (their) History of war it comes clear.

    It is a History of an Invasion.

    It is the History of a Jewish War of the World.

    They tell us about.

    Steven Spielberg is "ILLUMINATI".

    So is Warren Buffet!

    And Back to History, killing us before the Age of 36, before our "Spiritual Awakening", killing us before we ever reach our Potential.

    That's why they send the Jews, the "Snips" as I call them.

    They get their "Ding-Dong" "Snipped" because it is a constant Pain that drives them crazy, makes them Aggressive.

    And with Aggression they rule.

    Because they have no empathy, no Feelings.

    To keep us stupid and dumb and lead us into self destruction so that when the "Annunaki" come back on Dec 21 2012 they can feed of us and we don't know what is going on.

    In short.

    We are the Creation i.e. "Frankensteins Monster" where Frankenstein is a Jew.

    We are more capable then them and that's why they hate us.

    That's why they vowed to destroy us.

    And they make a good job out of it.

    It is Time to RISE.

  4. About the time that christianity tok over. (I know I can't spell)

    Basically they took a bit of a few religions and incorporated them into their own religion some of them as good thing(image of god is zues) and sometimes bad (image of satan is horned god of pagans and wiccans) Basically, they were always myth though. Ovid wrote a book called metamorphoses about a lot of the makor cultures of the worlds. Religion back then wasn't strictly go to church on sundays kind of deal. It was more a bunch of folktales and legends. These are what ovid put in his book. They were more like moral stories or tales thenTHIS HAPPENED THIS IS FACT SO BELIEVE IT NOW OR HE WILL SMIGHT YOU .

    Sorry just a little random

  5. adail is pretty much correct.  It wasn't quite that simple but paganism was always something  of a state religion which required you as part of your responsibility as a citizen to attend official sacrifices.  This was the origin of the Donatist controversy, where some people were demanding that those who showed up at these sacrifices to avoid being imprisoned or killed (since failure to do so was the treason Christians were allegedly committing)  be denied sacraments.

    Now the bottom line is, if you wanted salvation in the old Pagan religions, you essentially needed Position.  You got it by studying with a good teacher like Plotinius -- the Neo-Platonist  who was very influential and a very holy man, but really bought this whole business.  There wasn't much out there for your farmer or soldier, for example, unless he had money or slaves.

    That's why Mystery Religions, such as Isis, Mithraism, and in fact Christianity, got such a foothold -- they provided paths to salvation for the rest of us.  When Constantine made Christianity legal and began the process of making it official this gave everyone a chance to participate fully in society and seek their own salvation at the same time.  While the emperor Julian tried to reverse this, his aristocratic paganism did not offer people enough to catch on.

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