
When did Obama's mother renounce her US citizenship?

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Before or after his birth?




  1. Yeah, not parents influence kids right???? Freaking Liberals!

  2. His mother might have acquired Indonesian citizenship when she married Soetoro, but that is not a renunciation of U.S. citizenship.

    An anonymous email circulating for the past few weeks purports to prove that by virtue of the circumstances of his birth, Barack Obama isn't a natural-born citizen and is therefore ineligible to hold the office of president.

    When you strip away all the attempts to confuse the issue, the simple fact remains that Obama was born on U.S. soil, which by virtue of the 14th Amendment makes him a natural-born citizen.

    Barack Obama is, in fact, a natural-born citizen of the United States, for the simple reason that he was born on American soil (in Hawaii, two years after it acquired statehood). The age and citizenship status of Obama's parents have no bearing whatsoever on Obama's citizenship. Case closed.

  3. After, his Muslim step father did not want any connection to the US!

  4. That is a very good question.

    Another very good question is where was Barack Obama really born.

    Although Obama insists that he was born in Hawaii, I have heard reports that Obama's mother had traveled briefly outside of Hawaii and that Obama was in fact born in a foreign country.

    that is probably why Hawaiian Officials have not been able to find a birth certificate for Obama.

    the so called "birth certificate" that Obama has posted on his website has been Photoshopped and is clearly a forgery.

    It is entirely possible that Barack Obama is not only not a United States Citizen, but may in fact be an illegal alien.

  5. Never.

  6. After, it will not affect his ability to run for president though. As long as he was actually born in the US; which seems to be unclear at this point. We should be able to demand clarity on the issue.  Even though he might still become president; I get an uneasy feeling just thinking about the anti-american eviroment he grew up in. There is just something that doesn't click about this guy.

  7. That's a good question that has no relevance on his ability to run for president.

  8. Wow - is this the best Republican Lie you got?  You really have to get some better stuff!  

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