
When did Olympic Sports become?

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Heterosexual and homosexual. I had someone (an obvious MENSA member LOL) that male gymnastics, male diving are homosexual, but female gymnastics and diving are heterosexual, Apparently women's soccer is homosexual as well...

How ridiculous do you think this is?




  1. So rediculous I will not even go into furthure detail.

  2. VERY VERY VERY ridiculous.. a Hetro or Homo can perform equally in athletics... Bigotry lives!  

  3. Your friend seem to state it pretty harshly, but not entirely untrue.

    Many male divers and gymnasts are g*y, but certainly not all of them.  Many female soccer, basketball and softball players are also g*y.

    Think about the kinds of sports here, though.  It's not that a sport makes you g*y.  The sports that require a lot of dance and artistic elements tend to attract people who like that stuff (that's a good portion of females and some males, most of whom are g*y).  Conversely, rough and sometimes violent sports appeal to people who like direct competition (lots of men, some women, some of whom are g*y).

    I know lots of female softball players and about half of them are g*y.  That's higher than the average rate of g*y women in the total population of women.

    So the real question is, why the f**k do we care what their sexual preference is?  They are athletes who devote a crazy amount of their life to excel at something.  Give 'em a medal, a pat on the back and ignore the other stuff.

  4. That is the most rediculous narrow minded thing I have ever heard. Try to avoid hanging around who ever made that statement!!

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