
When did Ricky Tomlinson become the Irish Taoiseach?

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When did Ricky Tomlinson become the Irish Taoiseach?




  1. My asre.I wish Ricky Tomilson would became our PM never mind the Oirish Teashack.At least working class people or what's left of those still proud enough to call themselves working class would have a real chip buttie,beer drinking,I'm not fcuking scared of 2nd hand smoke and a triple bypass op type of man in power.Giro payments would increase by at least 300%,there would be free bus passes for all poor people and the minimum wage would go up to £9.00 an hour which would relieve poverty on a massive scale.

    The centre of the British universe would shift to Liverpool and the North/South divide would be consigned to the collective memory.

    Arty Farty Channel 4 and BBC 2 bullshit programmes hosted by metrosexuals with pompadours would be cancelled.Wrestling would become popular again and I mean British wrestling with the likes of Mick McManus back in action.

    And as for Europe well that would be kicked into touch.We don't need it.The moneys better off spent here teaching our young folk proper trades like Bricklaying and Joinery.We wouldn't need cheap Eastern European who are only exploited by the greedy grasping b******s at the top at the expense of our own.Ship Building could also be rejuvenated and also the mines could be opened up.We could become great again and self sufficient as a nation under RT PM.

  2. The Taoiseach's da  was an undertaker so he'll know how to bury unwanted referendum results.

    I'd say that Tomlinson looks nothing like BIFFO  but that's just my opinion.

    BIFFO= Big Ignorant F@*@@r   From Offaly.

  3. No, but I bet the Irish Taoiseach wishes that he was Ricky Tomlinson after the result of the Irish vote on the EU treaty!

  4. No similarity I can see.............

  5. There is a good resemblance!Perhaps our Ricki will be going into the impersonation business!He would be a 'dead ringer' for the Irish Prime minister if they ever made a film of the Irish Referendum!

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