
When did Sarah Palin say that abstinence only education was 100% effective?

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Shouldn't someone tell her the only effective way to stop teen pregnancy is to kill the unborn baby?




  1. We are not making fun of the girl, we are making fun of the republican drones who can't face up to the fact that McCain screwed up his FIRST BIG DECISION.

    Do you actually think that McCain PURPOSEFULLY chose a woman (that was supposed to secure his standing with the RELIGIOUS RIGHT), who had a teenage daughter that is pregnant out of wed-lock for his Vice President?

    McCain didn't know Palin from Eve when he chose her.

    But..I have yet to hear ONE SINGLE Republican own up to the fact that their ticket is now officially a sham, or MORE IMPORTANTLY become outraged and insist that McCain rectify the situation and DROP HER FROM THE TICKET and choose a REAL VP.

    What's the Limbaugh taking Labor Day off?

    Politics is rough when you don't have anyone to give you an opinion...huh?  

  2. There would be a lot fewer teenage pregnancies, and hence fewer abortions, if this abstinence-only nonsense were scrapped in favor of comprehensive s*x education and available health care and birth control.

    Western European countries have a fraction of the number of teenage pregnancies, abortions and STDs because they good s*x education, universal health care and readily available birth control.

  3. "Shouldn't someone tell her the only effective way to stop teen pregnancy is to kill the unborn baby?"

    Um, killing the baby means she was already pregnant genius.

  4. Too bad she didn't meet Obama 5 months ago. He would have told her daughter how not to get punished with a baby.  

  5. I have never heard her say that. i raised 3 teenagers and you can talk till you face is blue and things happen.Drugs,DUIs,Pregnancies,etc. Not the parents fault every time.  

  6. jeez.....

  7. Blah blah blah.  Sarah Palin is now twisting slowly in the wind.  Wind power is the way to go  :)

  8. Well if she did say that she sure wasn't preaching it at home, because they just announced that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. Way to go!

  9. If you kill the unborn baby, the person must have been pregnant. Therefore, it didn't prevent pregnancy.

    And I'd have to see some actual quotes, but typically when people say abstinence is 100% effective they mean the practice of abstinence not the education of it. No education will ever be 100% since humans are involved.

  10. She didn't and it's not, but killing unborn children out of convenience isn't the answer to teen pregnancy, either.

  11. Wrong.  Abortion is not the only way.  Abstinence and birth control drugs and devices would be the other ways.

  12. Sorry...........there is no excuse for "holier then thou" people.

    Maybe cons shouldn't  judge others so much.'r kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol No chit!

  13. That's the only kind she practices, lol.

  14. You know, I hadn't heard her say that.

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