
When did WWII ended?

by Guest57717  |  earlier

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Argentina - The world's top n**i-hunter said Thursday he's made progress in finding 94-year-old "Doctor Death," a former concentration camp physician accused of torturing Jewish prisoners as they died and who may have been living for decades in Argentina or Chile.

Sixty six years since WWI ended. How long you want to remind the world of your sufferings during this war that killed, besides 6 million Jews, another 80 million people.

Why don't you hunt down the criminals who massacred innocent Palestinians starting in 1948? I imagine they are in your backyard.




  1. September 1945

  2. Let's also not forget the cronies of Pol Pot that are still wondering about too, or the horrors of other mass murders and political jailings.  

    Justice is a funny thing.  It is sought out by those enraged enough to defend the victims.   To me, Dr. Death is just as important as any other who would single out a group of people as being not worthy of living or having the audacity to not agree wholeheartedly with the political regime either seeking or in power.   It's wrong.  Tyrants all deserve to face the world for what they did.  

    It's not a matter of who should be or shouldn't be sought out.  

    We all have our passions and our sense of justice as well as right and wrong.  

    If you should feel it is correct and righteous to take up the cause of championing innocent Palestinians who died for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, then I applaud and encourage you to do so.  

    Stay focused and do not ask anyone to end their journey of justice to take up yours, just as you would not want anyone to ask you to end your journey.

  3. World war II ended on September 2, 1945

  4. No war has ever been free of war crimes. There is a World Court, and that where it should start.

  5. 1945
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