
When did art, religion and language begin?

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The diagnostic for "modern" culture is symbolizing behavior, particularly art, religion, and language. When did these behaviors begin? Archaeologists are in disagreement about what kinds of evidence conclusively point to the existence of art, religion, or language. What's your opinion?




  1. once time began

    we retell the stories of time and our history

    even the very moment everything was created is still discussed in our cultures today

  2. it started from when life started...when different process of human evolved...from the early stage of austrilopithecus,ramapithecus,sapiens and homosapiens..their curiousity and the change in the society patriarchial and matriarchial..and the way they lived and build the houses...agriculture in the river banks..hunting in the woods...using the different forms of devices...their devotion the supernatural power..dancing and sacrifices to call power or summon to make god happy inorder to make rain...stop volcanic eruption..language started in the same way..its was process that took millions of years dates back to the first day the human life was possible in the earth...

  3. As soon as man looked up to the heavens saw stars & knew he did not put them there - God was in his heart even then & he whispered to the first man. "I am here you are not alone" so say my people I am Native American and we know we are Not ALONE!

  4. we can't possibly know when any of them began.

    They may have begun 60,000 years ago but no artifacts were left behind.  Maybe 40,000 years ago, maybe multiple times.

  5. Great question!

    Art : Upper paleolithic

    examples : Mask of la Roche-Cotard is a Mousterian artifact, found in 2002 in the entrance of la Roche-Cotard on the banks of the Loire River, dating back to about 33,000 BCE.

    Religion : ??? cahces of grain uncovered is considered an offering to an agricultural deity that lead to the discovery of farming agricultural crop -- digging up the references

    Language / script / pictograms / token signs :

    Postulated to coincide with the enormous evolutionary success of the Homo sapiens sapiens ca. 60,000 - 40,000 BP. No physical evidence that records this earliest occurrence of language exists, as the further back we trace, the more primitive the evidence gets, but token signs for tallying agricultural products exist from 9,000 yrs ago which are considered, according to Denise Schmandt-Besserat, the earliest precursor to written language, the cuneiform script of the Sumers.

    Denise Schmandt-Besserat (1978), «The earliest precursor of writing», Scientific American, Vol 238, N. 6, June 1978

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