
When did brazil become a country :/?

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  1. 1500 - Portuguese land in the area and claim it to the Portuguese crown.

    ***1822 - Son of Portuguese king declares independence from Portugal and crowns himself Peter I, Emperor of Brazil.

    1888 - Slavery abolished. Large influx of European immigrants over the next decade.

    1889 - Monarchy overthrown, federal republic established with central government controlled by coffee interests. Brazil produces 65% of world's coffee by 1902.

    1930 - Revolt places Getulio Vargas at head of provisional revolutionary government.


    On November 15, 1889, Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca deposed the emperor Dom Pedro II, declared Brazil a republic, and reorganized the government of the country

    From 1889 to 1930, the government was a constitutional democracy with the presidency alternating between the dominant states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais (This regime is often referred to as "Café com Leite"- Coffee with Milk, after the respective agricultural products of the two states). This period ended with a military coup that placed Getúlio Vargas, a civilian, in the presidency; Vargas remained as dictator until 1945

    The Brazilian republic was not an ideological offspring of the republics born of the French or American revolutions, although the Brazilian regime would attempt to associate itself with both. The republic did not have enough popular support to risk open elections. It was a regime born of a coup d'état that maintained itself by force. The republicans made Deodoro president (1889–91) and, after a financial crisis, appointed Field Marshal Floriano Vieira Peixoto minister of war to ensure the allegiance of the military.

    Full name: Federative Republic of Brazil

    Population: 182.8 million (UN, 2005)

    Capital: Brasilia

    Largest city: Sao Paulo

    Area: 8.55 million sq km (3.3 million sq miles)

    Major language: Portuguese

    Major religion: Christianity

    Life expectancy: 66 years (men), 74 years (women) (UN)

    Monetary unit: 1 real = 100 centavos

    Main exports: Manufactured goods, iron ore, coffee, oranges, other agricultural produce

    GNI per capita: US $3,460 (World Bank, 2006)

    Internet domain: .br

    International dialling code: +55

  2. Well, I´m a Brazilian and I think I can answer you:

    Brazil was discovered in 1500, by the Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral.In 1822, my country became independent.

    And in 1889, it became a republic.

    Nowadays, we have a leader elected in a democratic way.

  3. Daniel G left nothing for me to say. He's absolutely correct.

  4. i have no idea

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