Question : Why do Republicans claim to oppse a "nanny state" yet want their government to protect them from terrorists?
Question Details : You can't have it both ways, can you? Isn't expecting your government to provide security exactly as bad as expecting your government to provide money?
Deleted Answer : Um....it's the Federal government's job to have and maintain a military to protect the people. It is also their job to create and maintain an infrastructure (i.e. roads). But it is NOT their job to pay for your medical care. Nor is it their job to pay provide you with food or housing or any other charity. This is such a stupid question. What, are you FOR a nanny state? Your adamant position that Republicans are hippocrates for opposing it, makes me assume that you support it. In which case, your mindset is what is wrong with this country. I have no doubts that you think Hillary Clinton will be the savior of the United States.
Violation Reason :Insulting Other Participant