
When did cro-magnon man make his appearance on earth?

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When did cro-magnon man make his appearance on earth?




  1. Around 40 000 years ago, but we know that they were ALREADY arrived in Europe, as if they appear there, its another thing we don`t know yet.

    They got extinct about 10000 years ago...

  2. The name "Cro Magnon" was assigned because of the site that the archaeological remains were located and is not actually a distinct species.  Cro Magnon is actually just a common name for the species known as Homo sapiens sapiens, aka anatomically modern Homo sapiens, aka modern man, aka humans.  The Cro Magnon site dates to around 40,000 ya, but Modern man has a much longer lineage.

    The appearance and spread of modern man is best explained by the out of Africa hypothesis.  Here is a link that explains the archaeological evidence for the Out-of-Africa hypothesis pretty well The article neglects to mention that at the Omo site the timing is still in dispute because it was found in the same soil layer as an earlier hominid so some suggest that the Homo sapiens find eroded from a higher soil level, and if this is true then it would be younger then they dated it to. This article also forgot to mention a site from S. Africa, but again the S. African site does not have reliable dating either. Electron spin resonance was used to estimate the timing for the S. African Homo sapiens and revealed a range from between 74,000 and 135,000. Since both ends of this spectrum would yield very different conclusions of the find's importance it, like the Omo site from Ethiopia, are a bit contentious. More recently DNA evidence has even suggested that Homo sapiens DNA started closer to 150,000-200,000 years ago or earlier, but the general accepted time frame at this point is for an introduction somewhere between 125,000 and 150,000. Here is a finding that suggests 160,000,  I graduated prior to 2003, so this was new to me when I found it, but this find does support the DNA evidence.  Some peer review articles have contested that this site's finds are actually of an African Archaic Homo sapien, and as-of-such would be considered a direct link between heidlebergensis and Homo sapiens sapiens instead, but the book is still open regarding this findings final resting place in the anals of our evolutionary history.

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