
When did global warming start?

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Has global warming always been around but has gotten worse over the years?

Thanks for your answers in advance




  1. 'global warming' is not just a specific thing, but a term scientists came up with because of the drastic weather changes. In my opinion, it is natural. But the weather changes shouldn't be so drastic where we can actually notice them. Humans just speed up the process and yes we are to blame. Earth can only take so much and it's taking too much for it to handle. so, 'global warming' has always been around and did not just appear out of nowhere. And yes, it is getting more worse over the years.

  2. The climate has warmed and cooled through out history and long before man roamed the earth, its nothing unsual. The recent warming that has been atributed to man made co2 emissions started with the end of the little iceage (a very cold period when they used to have ice fairs on the river Thames in London), since temperatures have been rising back to the norm and currently are almost back to the 3000 year mean temperature. Major man  made emmissions of c02 started after world war 2, before then the emmissions were minor. During this period of increased co2 emmissions after world war 2 it cooled until 1978 (scientists at the time forceast an iceage) and then it started to climb till 1998 (a strong el nino year) and since has decreased again, though the overall trend has been a slight rise in temperature since the late 1940's which follows the rate at which is it has warmed since the little ice age before significent co2 emissions.

    The one thing we can confidently say is that climate change is a natural process that has existing as long as there has been water on the earth. What no one knows is whether or not human produced c02 is effecting the natural system, there is to date no evidence of this, though there is a theory we are which many believe - but it is only a theory and has not yet been proved so many still reserve judgement.

  3. global climate change started shortly after this planet was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. right now the planet is far cooler than it was only 65 million years ago. one only needs to check the geological record for confirmation of that fact. 75,000 years ago the planet was in a warming trend with temperatures higher than they are now. a super volcano eruption caused a volcanic winter which then plunged the earth into a major ice age that lasted about 60,000 years. as we came out of the last major ice age, the global mean temperature jumped 15 degrees in a short period of time, about a decade or so. the global temperatures have risen and fallen over the ensuing ages. the reality of the situation is global climate change is a naturally occurring event.

  4. when the sun ignited

  5. When did global warming start?

    When NOAA allowed their surface monitoring stations to degrade.... thereby causing them to report higher-than-actual temperatures.

    By the time the bad data was discovered, too many embarrassed (and stubborn) scientists had run too far out of the barn door to return.  Pride is a terrible thing.  The good thing is that the ranks of AGW believers are becoming smaller as each day goes by.

  6. In the 1970's, scientists were warning us about "global cooling."  We were told by top NASA scientists that we were facing a new ice age.  It is hard to take seriously an issue that has been totally politicized.  The earth goes through stages of warming and cooling.  That is all that is happening.  The ability of humans to influence temperature change is almost non-existent.  Variations in solar output, volcanic eruptions, etc., have substantially more effect on climate than humans.  For one, I am gald we did not wreck our economy trying to avoid "global cooling" in the 1970's and I would advise us not to do so now for fear of "global warming."

  7. It started around the time that the same scientists gave up on their global cooling theory -- early 1980s

  8. There's no simple answer, because the causes are complicated, and their relative importance has changed over time.

    Man's contribution to the warming trend started to become significant about 1900.  From approximately 1940 to 1970, our emissions of pollution roughly cancelled out the warming from greenhouse gases, and temperature was just about constant.  Since 1970 greenhouse gases have been the most important factor, and the percentage goes up every year.

    This graph shows you how things have changed over time.  Peer reviewed references at the end.

    By the way scientists didn't predict cooling in the 1970s. Most said we would warm.  It was a few "skeptics" with crazy theories and little data, that predicted cooling.  They were wrong, just as the few "skeptics" today are wrong.

  9. well the current warming started after the end of the little ice age which was from around 1315- 1850 so around 1850 when the the earth was recovering from the LIA , the LIA only effected the northern hemisphere. now the planet is heating to reach an equilibrium in it's cycle of temperature. so around 1850 is the current warming I would like to point out the fact that warmings an coolings have been happening periodicly scence 4.5 billion years ago.

  10. When al gore opened his big fat mouth


    when God said "let there be light"

    Take your pick

  11. industrial revolution  

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