
When did hiring a nanny become a horrible thing to do?

by Guest10822  |  earlier

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When did hiring a nanny become a horrible thing to do?




  1. Well, as a former nanny, I don't feel my employer's were at all horrible for hiring me!!  They just needed a little extra we ALL do.  They were still just as loving and involved as any stay-at-home parent.  I am not sure your reasons for hiring a nanny in the first place, or how you intend to treat her (or him i guess), but around the East Coast, the nanny was part of the family.  Basically, a hired "older sibling" to help out =]

    Good for you for hiring a nanny!!  Don't let anyone tell you differently.

  2. When Illegals started working as Nannies and people started busting them for sexual abuse.

  3. I don't think it's a horrible thing, but I just don't personally understand it. I have a busy life and I work but my husband and I made the sacrifices to alter our schedules to accomodate our children and we had no need for daycare or a nanny. I see it as a waste of money, and I don't trust others enough to raise my children for me. But that's just me. How other people choose to raise their children and the choices they make are none of my business.

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