why do some people always explain things like s*x and child bearing by comparing humans to animals. Last I checked animals don't invent technology and they don't become scientists humans do. Animals are a LOWER life form, they are driven ONLY by instincts. I don't want to have kids. Why is child making considered a natural thing. Does that mean that any living being that is barren is no longer worthy of life; hmmm is that so, well what makes humans think they can continue to OVERPOPULATE the planet. Maybe the people that compare us to animals are right becasue on this issue we certainly do act like morons with no signs of intelligence. Example people who can't buy food yet have 15 children or people living in gang terriitory, give birth to kids then cry when a gang member shoots them. Does that make me a genius because I can see the logic of not having kids if I can't feed myself, because doing so will kill the planet the kids live on therefore killing the kid.