
When did humans disrupt their mating seasons and began being sexually active permanently?

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When did humans disrupt their mating seasons and began being sexually active permanently?




  1. Well probably when human brain started developing emotions. Human emotions are much more intense and complicated than other beings. So when the emotions developed to such an extent that humans started feeling s*x as a way to show or express their love, they must have transformed or evolved.

  2. I don't believe there was ever a time when humans had 'mating seasons'.

  3. I am pretty sure we are naturally perma-sexual beings!!

  4. because it feels sooo good

  5. As you know women have a monthly cycle as opposed to many other animals were ovulate once or twice a year. This is a function of genetics and not societal action.

  6. Well, humans have never had a mating season, so it's certainly something that changed long before we became homo sapiens. Humans are quite rare amongst mammals in having concealed ovulation and a menstrual (versus estrus) cycle.

  7. While date is not known, suggestion is that it was related to the long period that human babies are helpless. Always being sexually receptive would supposedly keep males around and they could help with the child raising, if only by providing food.

  8. The reason why animals have mating seasons is to make sure there young are born the right time of the year ( nice,dry and warm ) when humans started to make permanent shelter for themselves that was generally warm and safe all year round there was no reason to have a mating season, so we do it all year round  now (which is farrrrr better), Hope this answers your question :)

  9. whoops! did I miss a lecture in psychology? Humans do not have seasonal responses to the sexual urge. We are ready at all times in an asexual aspect. Maturity plays a larger role in the reproductive perspective and then a more conservative leaning as we become older. why do you think you are attracted to the opposite s*x! it sure ain't for playing wacky, wacky on a keyboard.   Volunteer Counselor Western Illinois University

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