
When did i concieve if im due in January?

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I was with someone March 26th then had a menstrual period around the 28th until April 1st 2008. I meet a new man around that time we started haven intercourse around April 3rd and then on. As of today August 2nd I am 17 weeks and due so far on January 6th or 11th 2009. I am just wondering If i truely got pregnant in April around second week or if i could have gotten pregnant in March I am so confussed who the father could be please help Im praying for father number 2 my new boyfriend?




  1. well im due 9th feb 2009 and my last period was beginning of may so i would say if you a month infront you concieved in april sometime

  2. mayyy

  3. There is this great tool on BabyMed called "Conception Date Calculator" which answers part of your question.

    With a due date of 1/6-11 you could have gotten pregnant between 4/10-21

    However, dues dates are soetimes not that accurate, and the only way to be really sure is to do a paternity test.

    Everything else is just pure speculation.  

  4. d**n gurl they are so close it could be either of them. you said you ha d a menstrual for like three days, (is that usual amount of days it last?) i dont know it could be guy number two because you did have a period after intercourse with the first guy, (even though that dont mean for sure) but i dont know 17 week ago it was the end of march. so get tested, get a paternity test and stop pimping around town.

  5. if you had your period after the first guy then it is more than likely the new boyfriend.

  6. I am in the same situation too. If the baby is due in january then you conceived in April so the father is your boyfriend.

  7. I would say you conceived in april because they say subtract 3 months from the start of your last period which if you do that it would be january then add 7 days to that to get your due date.  so I would say that it is the new boyfriend who is the father.  

  8. You should've gotten pregnant 9 months back from the due date around the same dates.

    Counting backwards, it seems it would've been around the beginning of April.  If your period had started on March 26 then you should've been ovulating about 2 weeks after that.  You shouldn't have been fertile around March 26th, that was just 2 days before your period.  You should've ovulated way before that for the month of March.  This is all assuming you have regular cycles around 28-30 days.

  9. I would say the second guy....but its kinda close to call it.  Have a test done when the baby's born to be sure.  Good Luck!

  10. i need to know how long your cycle is to tell you.

    but you are in the clear you probably ovulated around the 2 week of april so if you are truly 17 weeks then boo number 2 is the father. dont worry pluss if you would have gotten pg from number one the you would have missed your period its very rare that a woman still gets here period during pregnancy and since your obviously found out right away you are cool. so dont worry it is number 2

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