
When did i get pregant my due date is november 7?

by  |  earlier

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becuase i want to know




  1. early or mid february  

  2. first or second week in February.

  3. about the end of feb beginning of march

  4. count back 40 weeks

  5. i would say around feb 14th, from what the doc told me when i got pregnant with my son(which was almost 5 years ago so forgive me if my memory is off a little) and my due date was Nov.5th to count 3months ahead from the month of ur due date, and add 7days, and that should give u a round-about of when u conceived. and when they figure out due dates, they count from ur lmp, and actually it is approx 2weeks after ur lmp that u would conceive. (with me it was approx feb.12th, and my lmp was jan.30th, so it was about right using that method) hope this isn't too confusing, and i hoped it helped :)  

  6. I say january or end of december

  7. you got pregnant in February.. i am 33 weeks and i concived in january and my due date is the 7th of october

  8. (estimates)

    Last Mentrual Period-Friday, February 1, 2008

    Conception Occurred-Friday, February 15, 2008

    First Trimester Ended-Friday, April 25, 2008

    Second Trimester Ended-Friday, August 8, 2008

    Estimated DD- Friday November 7, 2008

    You are 28 and 1/7 weeks pregnant.

    and 6.3 months pregnant.

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