
When did it become PC to have men at baby showers?

by  |  earlier

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I was basically forced to go to mine, but refuse to attend to others.

Is there really a benefit to having men there?.




  1. I don't know about other women, but I HATE stuff like that. So, maybe it's just out of spite..

    "If I gotta go, you do to!"


  2. I wouldn't go even if invited.

  3. I understand if your wife makes you go but other than that I think it's still mostly a girl thing.

  4. I don't think women have them in the UK, I've never heard of one anyway.

  5. If its important to the lady having the baby, then yes some. Other than that its basically not pc, its just men being whipped by their insecure wives. She obviously needs you as a hand-bag due to her own lack of self-confidence. Think about it seriously, there's no rule book on baby showers... Or is there???! xx

  6. There's no benefit to having baby showers at all. It's just another excuse to get presents and be the center of attention for a couple of hours.

  7. I don't think they should be required to, but I think they should have the option.  I had a multi-s*x baby shower, and there were several of my boyfriends guy friends there.  They had fun though, we had games specifically for the guys.  But that's more of their personality, so I knew it would be OK.  Now my brother...NO WAY!  he wouldn't be caught dead at a baby shower and I wouldn't and didn't even invite him because I knew he wouldn't come.  So as for you being required, it's probably because the mother of your child wanted you to be involved in every part of your babys life (including pre-life).  She also probably wanted you there as support/companionship

  8. to Rio Madeira:

    Traditionally, baby showers were for family and the closest of friends.  Women from both sides of the family got together and shared their time and experiences with the newly expecting mom-to-be.  They expressed their excitement and their joy at the prospects of another child in the family.

    It was a time for them to bond with the new mother to be, to give gifts and to share tips and used clothing from their own kids, etc. Families did this because they wanted to help out a new couple/new parents.  

    Today, people invite everyone they've ever known for the last 10 years!

    Co-workers, acquaintances, etc.  But now a days many people don't live near family and long time friends like we did a generation or two or three ago.  So, things change, they evolve. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not.   :::Shrugs::

    The question about men in attendance?  I don't see any reason we can't leave this tradition for women only. Sometimes it can be really nice to be around all women, or for men to be around all men.  

    Don't you think?

  9. Around the same time men shared locker rooms with women

  10. It became all the 'rage' when silly little men couldn't trust their silly little women from attending a "party" in which they weren't invited.

    It became all the 'rage' when silly little women couldn't stand to be away from their silly little men long enough that he could get "in trouble" without her around watching his every move.

    These are the same couples that do EVERYTHING together-  

    go food shopping together, go to the gym together, get their hair cut together, go to the mall together, etc etc. Mention men-only or women-only groups or gatherings of any sort and their eyes roll back in their heads!  LOL

    Added:  LOL  I see the thumbs down flying in already!  

    Let's see if I can clarify my answer some, ok?

    I'm 52 years old, I've been to many many baby showers and bridal showers over the years.  MANY!!  Men were never invited or expected to attend until relatively recently.

    It has been my experience that **every single woman** who wanted - many times insisted - their man attend their bridal or baby shower, was a jealous, controlling ball-buster of a girlfriend /fiance /wife.

    And the man was either totally whipped, or totally jealous himself and never EVER let his girlfriend /wife do anything with anyone -- unless he could be there too.

    As they say-

    Your Mileage May Vary.

  11. I don't mind attending baby showers but I hate imposition.

  12. Yes. For the sake of equality, men should have to be as miserable as we are at baby showers.

    I HATE HATE HATE baby and wedding showers. I've known to fake illnesses to get out of them.

  13. I don't know, but i wish it would go away

    Luckily i just say no!

    Ahh good old traditional values, saving my a** again...

  14. Hmmm...I think it was 80s...90s?  Somewhere in there.  I know in the 70s I was still going to pink showers with mints, lol.  Men are going to be parents too and when the guys go they can talk about those things and besides, you get food that way instead of cake and mints.

    From what I see there is usually one shower with men there, though there may be some women only showers.  Usually it's mommy's choice.

    EDIT - Just off the phone with my daughter...we all hate showers by the way.  She says she had both kinds and the one with the guys was usually after the baby was born and was not technically a shower but a party.  But, she said some couples her age do have coed showers, both for weddings and babies and yes, they usually ask the couple which they want.  Sorry, had to bring in an expert, people my age are not out having babies.

  15. It's your child to...the gifts are for the parents and the baby.  It's a celebration.  

    Are you "forced" to go to the birth and b days for your kid to?

    Poor baby.


    My point is that it's part of being a new parent, your basically whining about having to be a father and participate in things that involve your child.  I'm really impressed with your level of care.

  16. Men aren't "required," anymore than anyone else is "required." To be fair, though, I think men have an easier out than most can just claim "extreme machismo" like my BIL did, and get out of it (as my sister said, 'It's just not his thing," and, of course, we all laughed indulgently). Women have to fake illness.

    My husband, FIL, a couple of male cousins, and my husbands brother were at our shower, and several of the guests brought their husbands. It seems to me that a lot of the male guests were glad to come, I KNOW none of their wives said "You're going or else" because many of the male guests were barely acquaintances, not family, or anything...I think they were just told we'd have a really good spread! Lol. Or maybe they had never even thought they COULD attend one, and were just curious. I don't think my husband would have missed it for the world, after all, why would they just "shower" me? We were BOTH parents-to-be.

    Why was it so DREADFUL for you to go and participate in the welcoming of your new child by family and friends? Yeah, it's boring, but didn't it feel nice to see how loved your little was before he ever came into the world? Yeah, it must have really sucked to sit there and receive all those gifts.

    How you must have suffered.

  17. I hate baby showers. I don't like to get dressed up and buy an obligatory gift and make small talk with people I'll never see again and talk about pregnancy for 2 hours. It's about time we drag you men along, misery loves company lol.

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