
When did it become okay to curse near children?

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i'm only 28 years old, but when i was a kid hearing bad words on television and out of the mouths of adults was a complete shock. we knew what the dirty words were and not to say them, and most adults (even some of the parents skeevy friends) understood that cursing near small children was unacceptable. when did it become an okay practice for adults to curse near kids? of cours i understand that its not "okay" for that, its just the norm that no one seems to take offense to anymore.




  1. I completely agree with what you're saying.  It should not be acceptable. I also think that part of the problem is that there are a lot of younger parents who have different morals and values.  And if you have been raised by parents who curse and do a lot of other negative things then you might grow up believing that that's the norm.  It's really sad how some things have changed.  So many children have and are being exposed to things that they should not see/hear.  And when they do experience these negative things, nothing is explained to them.  They just go around thinking this is the way it is.  As my child gets older I know that I have to keep him away from certain people in my life because I don't agree with the type of language or things that they say.  

  2. i dont know.  I am 28 also and mother of 10 month old.  when i was 12 i thought the "F" word was f**t lol.  but i was rather naieve.  I didn't know my dad knew how to curse untill i was in my 20's, I thought "you turkey" was cursing.  Now even my mom uses the real "f" bomb infront of me. my grandmother who is in her 80's says $hit.  I dont let my daughter watch TV, only disney G rated type movies.  Even I have had to change my ways.  now I just abreviate my swearing, but I'm getting better.  im disgusted when i hear my best friends daughter who is a year older then mine say "yeah bitc*" when she slips up when talking to me on the phone.

    but look at society.  its ok for you 3 year old to wear a mini skirt and halter top.  a bikini on your infant???  WTF are we trying to get the sikos to take our kids???

  3. As a mom I THINK you should never curse around your kids. My grandma still does not curse around me

  4. because nowadays it is more socially acceptable to swear. There is a doccumentary on the word F*** and it is very informative.

  5. It's not okay.  But I hear it all the time.

  6. I take offense to it.  It is the same where I work at the college as an instructor...only a few years ago a student would have never cursed in the classroom, let alone in front of a teacher.

    I have noticed too how it has creeped in on television.  At first it was mostly cable shows, but now even on regular broadcast shows.  

    I have called students on it...for them a lot of it is a fad, the ghetto thing, etc., but when I tell them its not acceptable in my classroom they seem to be able to control it, lol (I can look much meaner than I ever am).

    I have also spoken to people who cuss around my grandchildren.  Of course I have no authority there but usually if I ask they are at least careful about it.

    I am afraid its a losing battle though.  I hear store clerks cuss in front of customers and loudly to each other as they are working.  When the children are little it's easy to say those are bad words we should not repeat..but as they get older and their peers have more influence, I am afraid what I say does not mean a lot.

  7. It depends on where you live and what kind of words the kids are hearing.  I think its horrible that little kids say the f word and the parents think it's funny.  Again, depends on where you're from.

  8. Check what they are watching and listening to.  It's very much the norm.  It's part of the decay that the 60's really kicked off, and it will only get worse.

  9. Like you said, it's not okay.  It all boils down to a lack of manners and vocabulary.  Sure, we all get angry or frustrated and let one rip, but in everyday conversation, it's just not necessary.  I remember my parents had a few friends who probably cursed like sailors every day, but they didn't around kids, because they had respect.  Unfortunately nowadays, a lot of people don't seem to have respect for anything or anybody.

  10. Its not OK in my book. I hate when people curse all together but even more when its around kids.  Kids learn by example, so if you curse in front of them don't be shocked when they start spitting out the profanities.

  11. I really don't know but become very annoyed when people do it near my child.  It is a hard habit to break.  Even my husband lets a swear word fly occasionally and I have to reprimand him..  I guess it's like you said people have become so accustomed to hearing them and using them that they don't think them bad any more.


  12. I think it depends on where you live too, where I am you hear little three-year-olds running around saying "f**k", I think it's terrible.

  13. Its terrible they have to cuss in front of kids. They should have a little respect for them and their parents. People are not smart enough to find better words to use so they use the same cuss words and don't care who they say it in front of.

  14. It's very hard to watch what comes out of your mouth....

    My son is 20 months old and we officially have a "swear jar" because he walked into daycare saying "Oh $hit".

    I was so emabrassed....then I heard people's stories of the F-bomb instead. So I counted my blessings it was only "oh $hit".

    However, we're well aware of it when it comes out of our mouths but it's too late at that point. The word has been said and heard.

    It may not be right, but gosh, I remember growing up my parents had potty mouths to NO end when they were around their friends. But you know, as a child, you know it's a word you don't use....

    Until you're an adult :)

  15. i hate to blame something like this on t.v. and movies, but we are getting desynthasized to the things that should still remain not approprate for children.  There is also more teen s*x. with the increase of s*x in the movies these days, even movies that are acceptable for a 13 year old to watch. you mix the ammount of s*x they see with their raging hormones and we have a bad combination of teens confused and experimenting with each other.  

  16. I agree, and when I hear people curse around my kids, I point out to them that there are children present and ask them not to do it...I don't think it is okay and I will stand up for my kids when it comes to inappropriate behavior in front of them.

    Add: I dont care what part of the country I live in, I still will not accept it around my kids. period.

  17. I think the real question should be, when did it become acceptable for kids to curse?  My dad always let all the four letter words fly around us, and we heard it all on TV, but we knew that under no circumstances were we to say those words.  Once I said "mother-effer" around my mom when I was playing a video game while visiting home, *after I graduated from college* and she said "WHAT DID YOU SAY!? WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT."  

    Kids have always heard bad words from everywhere.  And adults should be able to say what they want - they're adults.  Parents should teach kids that some words are not ok to say.  

  18. Provided they know not to use the words, cursing isn't going to corrupt them. It's polite to not assume people want their kids sworn around though and not do it.

    Swearing is least of the problems facing kids today. But if swearing is a big issue, you can't even watch basic cable without hearing the words. I think that's pretty bad. 7pm sitcoms using b*tch, *ss, etc. Too much.

  19. It doesn't matter, it's just a word. They should just know the difference between saying in around friends and home and business and grandparents and all that.

  20. I don't think it ever became ok. I don't use bad language in front of children and I expect that others will do the same. I have no problem saying "excuse me, could you not use that language" when they are swearing in front of my kid or young kids in my care. Its unacceptable.  

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