
When did <Kyle Busch> turn his back on fans wanting autographs??

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Someone said that in anotehr question but do they just pull that out of the air?? I've never seen him do that and from what I hear he is one of the nicest off track people in NASCAR. Is there any proof from anyone that he would turn his back on his fans??




  1. Just an opinion....but I have been a race fan for years. I have collected many autographs over the years....I have never been treated rudely or indifferently by any of the drivers. Now getting an autograph at the track is different than at your local grocery store. At the track they&#039;re busy and are usually in a hurry....but I have still got them even from Kyle. At the track it&#039;s usually they take the item sign hand it back and make a small comment like &quot;there you go&quot; &quot;hope you like the race&quot; etc. But at stores/shows/souv trailers...they take their time look at you, smile, pose for photos whatever you need. This has always (thanks to the King) and always will be a sport to where the stars are accessible to the fans. I have heard some fans at the track say &quot;What a jerk---he didn&#039;t even look at me!&quot; You have to realize that driver is working....doesn&#039;t have a lot of time to chat. Just an opinion as always.

  2. He can&#039;t sign for everyone. He has to pull away sometime.

  3. My opinion is that person just trying to stir the pots so to speak..

    Kyle is very nice and will talk to you while he signs , most of them do, sure some are distracted with other things, but they know us FANS is what makes them...

    As for JR being a &quot;jerk&quot;, sure not true..I toured his new shop when it opened and he was there giving away souvenirs and signing them, answering questions, etc and etc....and at the track, he takes the time to say a friendly hi as he passes if he has no time to sign

    You are going to get conflicting comments on both but do your own judgment, go to their websites, post may be surprised!

  4. At some point in time every driver, except Richard Petty, has had to turn away from fans because of scheduling requirements. Eventually someone has to be the first one to be told &quot;No&quot;. And that person will appear here or in their blog someplace saying that driver XX was a very mean person when more than likely the driver said &quot;I am sorry, I cannot sign anymore. I have to go&quot;.

    The other thing with auto racing in want the DRIVERS autograph. In the fans eyes, he IS the team. Where if you are a football fan, yes you want the star players autograph but if you get another starters signature you are more than likely to be happy. In auto racing, if you end up with the left front tire changers autograph instead of the drivers your friends (even if they are racing fans!) will say &quot;Who is that?&quot;

    At the track, drivers have to be ready to go when practice starts, qualifying, drivers meeting, driver introductions...let alone time to talk to the team about the car and VIP meetings.

    Off the track, drivers schedules are restricted more than ever before with sponsor commitments and autograph sessions. Then factor in testing and just meetings between team owners, car chief, crew chief, engine builders and all the specialists on the team.

    Still, I applaud NASCAR drivers for making themselves accessible to the race fan. It may not be nearly as much as in the 80&#039;s but they still spend 100&#039;s of more hours a year available to the public than other sports stars.

  5. show me proof of this and the details around it  

  6. someone posted that in my question and i dont know how to respond, but kyle signed my shirt and hat when i saw him outside of  JGR, AND i didn&#039;t even ask him to, i just noticed him and told my friend &quot;that&#039;s kyle busch&quot; and he said hey and asked if i wanted an autograph.... he was very nice to me and my friend that had jr. clothes on..... but that was experience, someone might have asked him for an autograph after he got out of the infield care center from a wreck and he walked away and they got mad lol

  7. kyle has mentioned that himself, and how he feels bad sometimes having to run by people wanting autographs or pictures because he is usually running from one series practice session to another or from one garage to the other. the boy is busy - did you know that he&#039;s already run 57 races this year in the top three series, and won 17 of them. that takes not only a lot of &quot;running around&quot; but a lot of focus and concentration as well. and i remember the person who used to say that kyle refused to sign autographs for some kids and he (or she) would repeat it with nearly every answer.

    it is, of course, completely untrue. the net is littered with pictures of him with fans of all shapes, sizes, and ages, many of them with him signing autographs. i have both a picture and small diecast signed by him i got from someone reputable who says he seemed like a really nice guy. as a matter of fact, if you go the website, there is a faq page that talks about autographs. joe gibbs, denny, and tony won&#039;t accept mail requesting autographs - you have to catch them at the track or at their personal appearances. kyle will sign them if you send a return envelope with the right postage.

    wait, it was &quot;iggy&#039;s spoiled little demon,&quot; who is now known as &quot;Puppy Wiggles, Kisses R Precious,&quot; but you can see a reference to iggy in the question details:

  8. If you ask me I think &quot;jealous&quot; fans are going to try to do all they can to make Kyle Busch the most hated driver ever just because he beats there driver every week.

    A qoute by Kyle Busch-

    &quot;I&#039;d rather be disliked for who I am than be liked for who I&#039;m not&quot;

    So at least he says who he is and isn&#039;t a fake like some other drivers and will do what ever it takes to win a race which Nascar has needed for a long time.

    He&#039;s a firey,fierce competitor and has the will to win unlike any driver I have ever seen which is I like him.

    And drivers like Juan Montoya are exactley the same but he just needs a better team.

    and yes Kyle Busch is a really nice guy off the track and his sales on his items are all the way up to #2 because he is gaining fans so I don&#039;t think he has ever not wanted to sign autographs

  9. I think timing is everything. There is always the possibility of catching any driver at a bad time. I am also equally sure that someone who waits in line for an hour is going to be disappointed if they don&#039;t get the autograph they want, no matter what the driver&#039;s reason was for not being able to sign it. It is just not humanly possible for the drivers to sign them all.

    JM, is Thomas C another account you started today?

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