
When did man first walk on earth? ?

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When did man first walk on earth? ?




  1. 1943--Werner von Bruan sent an SS man in a modified V2 rocket.

  2. Above answer if you mean homo sapiens. About 6 million if you mean early hominids.

  3. Around 6,000 years ago...

  4. After all the aminals (animals). When God created Adam. Read the Bible.  

  5. It's impossible to tell, since people would classify the first humans differently from the modern-day humans.

    It is said to be roughly at least around 200,000 BC.

  6. Adam

  7. About 200,000 - 250,000 years ago.


  8. Come on man....1969, JUNE 20th ....

    Neil Armstrong

  9. Homo Sapiens first appeared 220,000 -250,000 years ago, and they are the same species as us but humans that look like you and me (Homo Sapien Sapien) appeared approximately 100,000 years ago. Humans began differentiating into different races probably about 40 - 50,000 years ago.

    Early Hominids split off the family tree from the rest of the great apes about 5 - 6 million years ago

  10. don't be so stupid, (not to you who asked the question) but to some of the blatant christian responses. do you really believe adam was the first man. that makes the earth less than 7,000 years old, well I'm sorry but what abut the agricultural revolution of 10,000 bc that took place in ancient mesopotamia, greece, and ancient britain. there are literally tons of artifacts, that prove that mankind walked on the earth well before that. and then what about fossil evidence, cro magnon man, H.neanderthlis,H.erectus,A.arafensis. there is far too much evidence to claim that the earth is that young so from a scientific perspective man has been walking upright for at least 250,000 years. nothing to do with god, we are just a very lucky species to have the intellect to discuss such things. please have the intellect to use it

  11. About 6,000 yrs ago.

  12. I'm sorry but I do like GloireBo answer. That's what we were taught in school!! It was ADAM. But who REALLY KNOWS..God was not on earth he was in heaven when he made Adam & Eve.

  13. I agree with the first answerer. I also believe Adam was the first

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