
When did marriage originate?

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When did marriage originate?




  1. Marriage was been around sense the beginning of time with Adam and Eve.

  2. in the beginning of times, in the bible God unite Adam and Eve. Genesis 2:24, then men establish laws to this unity

  3. Probably right after Eve picked that apple, just to punish women for the rest of eternity.  

    HAHA (just kidding, guys.)

    ....sort of.

  4. There was a gradual transition during pre-historic times, when Hunter/Gatherer tribes, who were led by an "Alpha" male & female, moved into farming communities, circa 10,000 years ago, and during the advent of these first cities, where people lived in close quarters, it was more civilized to pair up one & one...

    That is, except for the kings. They were still allowed to have harems. That is why they say, "It's good to be king."

  5. actually primitive marriages are always more a about legal /property agreements and often didn't involve religion at all. usually just negotiations between the two family's about swapping monies and goods

  6. All of the above answers are WRONG..................

    Marriage is a relatively new custom, by comparison.

    Even in the New Testament times, men and women could shack up together after a short blessing by the religious leader, but marriage as we know it is

    1) A legal contract supported by laws and Government

    2) A religious rite

    First of all you must be told that simply getting the ceremony done in Church does not naturally mean that you are married.

    The Minister of religion must have a license to perform a marriage, and that license is issued by Government.

    So Marriage is a legal issue first and a religious issue second.

    Marriages can be performed quite out of religious context, and this tendency is a rather new thing.

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