
When did menstruation resume for you after baby?

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My child is 17 months old and is still breastfeeding. I still haven't had my period. Has anyone else taken this long?




  1. When you're breastfeeding, you don't get your period until you stop nursing! Isn't that great! However, every case is different and I'm sure some pple got theirs while nursing. Once you stop give it about 2 months (or more)!!

  2. Seven months later and still waiting......and I'm not breastfeeding anymore (I stopped at about 4 months), so it varies.

  3. I had my baby last August and I breastfed her. I didn't have a period until Christmas (of course) and I stopped breastfeeding a month later.  

  4. you can still get your period while breast feeding. With my first two I got it at six weeks after they were born, and I was breast feeding them. With my baby now I got it at about 3 1/2 months after she was born. And I am still breast feeding her.

  5. I got mine at 10 months and I think it was because I stopped pumping and I did that alot, and it told my body to cut back and this told my body to menstruate.I think the more you "exclusively breastfeed the longer the period will hold off.  

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