
When did orginality become so mainstream?

by Guest32964  |  earlier

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Ok so this is kinda pissing me off. 2yrs ago i was in love with what people are calling 'emo', i liked it b/c it was orginal and it wasnt every where you lookd. But now its sux i feel like a trader for wearing mainstream stuff like hollister,ect. because it is stuff every one wears but i am totally grossed out when i see like fifty people in one highschool all dressed in skinny jeans and bands t's. So why is every one trying to be 'emo' and it is pathetic b/s they basicly scream for wanting to be stereotyped. I just dnt get it why do people dress according to steriotypes? why not mix things up and be different instead just wearing clothes striaght off the hot topic maniquinnes and calling it unique? I just dont understand when did wana-b orginalty become so mainstream?? and i mean with people that is like 16+.




  1. A lot of the time people are just fooling themselves when they say they dress or act a certain way to be unique otften times they just want attention. And if you just want attention of course they aren't going to take the time to make their look, look different they are just gonna do what other people are.

  2. ya know what? that pisses me off too! and i guess one of their friends decided ''oh thats so cool so im gonna do it too because im tired of dressing like that because people call me prep''. like for example i dressed up in that stuff in the 6th grade (and still am and in 11th) and this chick told me im trying to be goth and something im not because i wore band shirts all the time and wtf is she wearing today? yeah band t's and skinny jeans. and did you notice that peace signs and the beatles are coming back (and ive liked those things since i was like 4) and the girls that wear them are the meanest girls ever! i dont get it either. so yeah lol does this make any sense? but yeah im glad that makes somebody else mad too lol

  3. People don't want to be themselves because they follow a certain fashion trend or code if you wanna put it that way. They are afraid of being misfits in they're school so they can get friends and be popular. People that copy other people's way of acting, dressing etc. Its called being a "tool".

  4. Every decade or so, teenagers start dressing in the newest form of "I hate the world/my parents/life/whatever".  In the 80s, teenagers who were "depressed" hated the world began the Goth movement, which became more mainstream because teenagers for one reason or another think it is cool to hate life.  In the 90s it was the grunge movement, and now its emo.  None of it is original, not even with the early "trendsetters" the teenage attitude of rebellion is nothing new, it just keeps manifesting itself in different ways.  For some reason, it appears as if most teens either feel the need to rebel (goth/grunge/emo) or must assert superiority over their their peers (hollister, A.E., label fanatics).  There is also a small group, that thinks both are lame and just wear whatever is on sale.

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